Honggyu An1* · Jinhyeon Kim2* · Seonghoon Park3 · Jaewoo Jung1
Jisang Han1 . Sunghwan Hong2 . Seungryong Kim1†
1KAIST 2Korea University 3Samgsung Electronics
*: Equal Contribution †: Corresponding Author
Environment setup
conda create -n CVC python=3.10.15 conda activate CVC pip install -r requirements.txt
Dataset preparation
bash download_ETH3D.sh bash download_hpatches.sh
CVC model checkpoint preparation
Create admin/local by running the following command and update the paths to the dataset
python -c "from admin.environment import create_default_local_file; create_default_local_file()"
The scripts
folder contains multiple bash files for evaluating models on either the HPatches or ETH3D datasets. Most experiments were conducted on HPatches. For each model, you can perform zero-shot evaluation of geometric matching performance using one of three methods:
- Encoder Correlation: Uses encoder features to build a correlation
- Decoder Correlation: Uses decoder features to build a correlation
- Cross-Attention Maps: Uses cross-attention maps for correlation
For detailed explanations of each method, please refer to our paper.
# HPatches (Original Resolution) - CroCov2
bash scripts/run_hp_crocov2_Largebase.sh
# HPatches (240 Resolution) - CroCov2
bash scripts/run_hp240_crocov2_LargeBase.sh
# ETH3D - CroCov2
bash scripts/run_eth3d_crocov2_LargeBase.sh
Each evaluation script contains several key parameters that can be customized:
# Example evaluation script
CUDA=3 # Specify GPU device rank
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${CUDA} python -u eval_matching.py \
--seed 2024 # Random Seed Selection
--dataset hp # Dataset (hp: HPatches, hp-240: HPatches (240x240), eth3d: ETH3D)
--model_img_size 224 224 # CVC model's Input image dimensions
--model crocov2 # Model type [crocov1, crocov2, dust3r, mast3r]
--pre_trained_models croco # Pre-trained model type
--croco_ckpt /path/to/croco/ckpts/CroCo_V2_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder.pth
--output_mode ca_map # Correlation method choose from [enc_feat, dec_feat, ca_map]
--output_ca_map # Enable cross-attention map output
--reciprocity # Enable reciprocal cross-attention map
--save_dir /path/to/save/images/for/visualisation/
This code is heavily based on DenseMatching, We highly appreciate the authors for their great work.
If you found this code useful, please consider citing our paper.
title={Cross-View Completion Models are Zero-shot Correspondence Estimators},
author={An, Honggyu and Kim, Jinhyeon and Park, Seonghoon and Jung, Jaewoo and Han, Jisang and Hong, Sunghwan and Kim, Seungryong},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.09072},