This project analyzes NYC yellow taxi trip data using Apache Spark and Scala.
To obtain the data, please follow the instructions in the repository: TLC Trip Record Data Downloader.
Alternatively, you can access the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) trip record data directly from the official website.
- Apache Spark
- Scala
The TLC Trip Data is a dataset that contains New York City taxi trip information captured by authorized vendors and published by the NYC TLC.
The dataset used in this project covers the period from 2017 to 2022 and contains:
- Number of rows: 396,179,656
- Number of columns: 19
- Size of data: 5.79 GB.
This values might vary cause the data can be corrected or new data could be added.
The dataset contains trips recorded by each taxi and sent to a server through one of the TPEP providers (Creative Mobile Technologies or VeriFone Inc). The data is not aggregated or modified.
Based on this information, The granularity of this dataset can be defined as:
- One row per taxi trip
After downloading the data, I discovered that the Parquet metadata differs among the Parquet files. For instance, some files have the passenger_count
or congestion_surcharge
stored as a DOUBLE
type, while others use INT64
To address this inconsistency, a job has been implemented to reconcile the schemas across the Parquet files. You can find the implementation of this job under the directory source/src/main/scala/jobs
In summary, the job reads each Parquet file and applies a mapping rule to match the schema based on predefined rules. Additionally, it performs column renaming as part of the schema reconciliation process.
val columnConvertMapping = Map(
"passenger_count" -> ByteType,
"payment_type" -> ByteType,
"congestion_surcharge" -> DoubleType,
"airport_fee" -> DoubleType,
"RatecodeID" -> ByteType,
"VendorID" -> ByteType,
"PULocationID" -> ShortType,
"DOLocationID" -> ShortType
val columnRenameMapping = Map(
"RatecodeID" -> "rate_code_id",
"VendorID" -> "vendor_id",
"PULocationID" -> "pickup_location_id",
"DOLocationID" -> "dropoff_location_id",
"extra" -> "extra_charges"
// more code ...
val convertedDfMap = { row =>
val filePath = row.getString(0)
val df =
val convertedData = df
val fileName = filePath.split("_").last
val modifiedFileName = fileName.replace(".parquet", "")
modifiedFileName -> convertedData
// yes, more code ...
Run this spark job before against your downloaded dataframe. If just one Parquet file was downloaded this step is not needed because one parquet file have a schema defined, this will fix schema mismatch between multiple files.
spark-submit --class --master local[*] nyc-yellow-taxi-analysis.jar jobName=schema_fixer inputPath=$INPUT_PATH outputPath=$OUTPUT_PATH
Note: Using
option("mergeSchema", "true")
will not resolve the issue as the types vary between INT64 and DOUBLE, which would lead to a conversion error.
// Read in TLC Trip Record Data CSV file into DataFrame
val tripDataDf =
.option("recursiveFileLookup", "true") // Reads into each year folder
The schema is defined manually in TLCDefinitions.scala
val tripDataSchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("vendor_id", ByteType, nullable = true),
StructField("tpep_pickup_datetime", TimestampType, nullable = true),
StructField("tpep_dropoff_datetime", TimestampType, nullable = true),
StructField("passenger_count", ByteType, nullable = true),
StructField("trip_distance", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("rate_code_id", ByteType, nullable = true),
StructField("store_and_fwd_flag", StringType, nullable = true),
StructField("pickup_location_id", ShortType, nullable = true),
StructField("dropoff_location_id", ShortType, nullable = true),
StructField("payment_type", ByteType, nullable = true),
StructField("fare_amount", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("extra_charges", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("mta_tax", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("tip_amount", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("tolls_amount", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("improvement_surcharge", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("total_amount", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("congestion_surcharge", DoubleType, nullable = true),
StructField("airport_fee", DoubleType, nullable = true)
Field Name | Description |
vendor_id | A code indicating the TPEP provider that provided the record. 1= Creative Mobile Technologies, LLC; 2= VeriFone Inc. |
tpep_pickup_datetime | The date and time when the meter was engaged. |
tpep_dropoff_datetime | The date and time when the meter was disengaged. |
passenger_count | The number of passengers in the vehicle. This is a driver-entered value. |
trip_distance | The elapsed trip distance in miles reported by the taximeter. |
pickup_location_id | TLC Taxi Zone in which the taximeter was engaged. |
dropoff_location_id | TLC Taxi Zone in which the taximeter was disengaged. |
rate_code_id | The final rate code in effect at the end of the trip. 1= Standard rate, 2=JFK, 3=Newark, 4=Nassau or Westchester, 5=Negotiated fare, 6=Group ride. |
store_and_fwd_flag | This flag indicates whether the trip record was held in vehicle memory before sending to the vendor, aka “store and forward.” Y= store and forward trip, N= not a store and forward trip. |
payment_type | A numeric code signifying how the passenger paid for the trip. 1= Credit card, 2= Cash, 3= No charge, 4= Dispute, 5= Unknown, 6= Voided trip. |
fare_amount | The time-and-distance fare calculated by the meter. |
extra_charges | Miscellaneous extras and surcharges. Currently, this only includes the $0.50 and $1 rush hour and overnight charges. |
mta_tax | $0.50 MTA tax that is automatically triggered based on the metered rate in use. |
improvement_surcharge | $0.30 improvement surcharge assessed trips at the flag drop. The improvement surcharge began being levied in 2015. |
tip_amount | his field is automatically populated for credit card tips. Cash tips are not included. |
tolls_amount | Total amount of all tolls paid in trip. |
total_amount | The total amount charged to passengers. Does not include cash tips. |
congestion_surcharge | Total amount collected in trip for NYS congestion surcharge. |
airport_fee | $1.25 for pick up only at LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy Airports. |
NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission - Data Dictionary - Trip Records - Yellow Taxi
spark-submit --class --master local[*] nyc-yellow-taxi-analysis.jar jobName=data_cleaner_processor inputPath=$INPUT_PATH outputPath=$OUTPUT_PATH
Note: The input path should be the output path of the schema_fixer job.
Upon reviewing the DataFrame, several rows appear to have irregular values.
The columns pickup_location_id
and dropoff_location_id
represent the boroughs where the passengers were picked up (PU) and dropped off (DO). In the table below, the first row displays a trip_distance
of 389678.46
miles, but the pickup and drop-off locations are the same or near one to the other.
It is highly unlikely to have such trips within the same city, as they would require several days to complete.
| 238| 140| 2022-10-28 01:19:00| 2022-10-28 01:32:00| null| 389678.46| 18.83|
| 249| 137| 2022-05-15 14:45:00| 2022-05-15 14:57:00| null| 357192.65| 20.13|
| 226| 260| 2021-11-16 08:55:00| 2021-11-16 09:00:00| null| 351613.36| 19.88|
| 219| 170| 2020-12-10 04:39:00| 2020-12-10 05:14:00| null| 350914.89| 57.35|
| 175| 232| 2020-12-09 04:57:00| 2020-12-09 05:30:00| null| 350814.14| 63.42|
| 38| 16| 2020-12-09 04:22:00| 2020-12-09 04:37:00| null| 350793.6| 34.09|
| 201| 61| 2020-12-08 06:59:00| 2020-12-08 07:35:00| null| 350722.34| 60.0|
| 22| 150| 2020-12-08 05:16:00| 2020-12-08 05:27:00| null| 350696.98| 21.2|
| 203| 135| 2020-12-03 04:15:00| 2020-12-03 04:37:00| null| 350104.58| 34.09|
| 222| 29| 2020-12-02 04:52:00| 2020-12-02 05:03:00| null| 349987.05| 31.27|
| 19| 78| 2020-11-29 10:54:00| 2020-11-29 11:17:00| null| 349692.3| 52.11|
| 13| 107| 2022-02-15 14:24:00| 2022-02-15 14:37:00| null| 348798.53| 27.9|
| 144| 239| 2021-10-27 12:46:00| 2021-10-27 13:24:00| null| 345124.27| 34.67|
| 170| 132| 2022-05-19 13:00:00| 2022-05-19 14:20:00| null| 344408.48| 73.97|
| 219| 56| 2021-12-11 06:48:00| 2021-12-11 07:11:00| null| 335093.7| 39.67|
| 140| 264| 2021-11-16 05:02:00| 2021-11-16 05:22:00| null| 334779.46| 20.0|
| 218| 228| 2021-12-07 03:05:00| 2021-12-07 04:15:00| null| 334236.2| 66.94|
| 24| 43| 2022-05-03 05:33:00| 2022-05-03 05:55:00| null| 333632.96| 23.1|
| 212| 62| 2021-11-29 00:01:00| 2021-11-29 00:33:00| null| 333152.56| 53.51|
| 193| 140| 2021-05-11 03:36:00| 2021-05-11 03:57:00| null| 332541.19| 25.63|
In Jupyter Notebook, I filtered out trip distances based a on range of 0.0001 miles as the minimum trip distance and 100 miles as the maximum.
Total rows out of range: 3,520,250 (0.89% of total)
Total rows in range 392,659,409
Total count: 396,179,656
* Removes unrealistic trips from the given DataFrame.
* @param dataframe The DataFrame containing trip data.
* @return A new DataFrame with consistent trips that meet the specified criteria.
def filterRealisticTripsByDistance(dataframe: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
// Get trips that are between the ranges expression
val tripDistanceColumn = col("trip_distance")
val minAndMaxDistanceExp = tripDistanceColumn >= AppConstants.MIN_TRIP_DISTANCE and tripDistanceColumn <= AppConstants.MAX_TRIP_DISTANCE
// Get trips filter by the expressions
val realisticTripsDf = dataframe.filter(minAndMaxDistanceExp)
In compliance with regulations, taxi cabs are restricted to carrying a maximum of 5 passengers. To adhere to this rule, I filtered out trips with more than 5 passengers or less than 1 passenger.
The resulting dataset provides the following breakdown:
Total rows out of range: 3,520,250 (3.57% of total)
Total rows in range: 392,659,406
For more information on passenger regulations, please refer to the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission website.
* Filters out trips from the given DataFrame that do not have at least one passenger.
* @param dataframe The DataFrame containing trip data.
* @return A new DataFrame with trips that have at least one passenger.
def filterTripsWithPassengers(dataframe: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
// Get trips where passenger count is lower than the maximum allowed and at least one passenger
val passengerCountColumn = col("passenger_count")
val maxPassengerCountAllowedExp = passengerCountColumn < AppConstants.MAX_PASSENGER_COUNT_ALLOWED
val atLeastOnePassengerExp = passengerCountColumn > 0
val passengerCountFilterExp = maxPassengerCountAllowedExp and atLeastOnePassengerExp
// Get trips filter by the expressions
val filterTripsWithPassengersDf = dataframe.filter(passengerCountFilterExp)
Some trips have a difference in days greater than 1 day, which is inconsistent considering the pickup and drop-off times as well as the trip distances.
| 2018-11-08 12:15:30| 2018-11-10 16:35:16| 9.5| 2|
| 2018-11-09 03:06:08| 2018-11-29 03:43:06| 3.0| 20|
| 2018-11-21 18:32:17| 2018-11-25 06:55:28| 2.2| 4|
| 2018-12-07 06:00:37| 2018-12-10 11:01:08| 1.38| 3|
| 2018-12-24 09:15:20| 2018-12-29 17:55:41| 0.16| 5|
only showing top 5 rows
To address this issue, I filter out trips that do not occur on the same date.
def removeTripsInDifferentDays(dataFrame: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val pickupDateColumn = col("tpep_pickup_datetime")
val dropOffDateColumn = col("tpep_dropoff_datetime")
val daysDiff = getDiffBetweenDates(dropOffDateColumn, pickupDateColumn) / (24 * 60 * 60)
val tripsWithSameDayDf = dataFrame.filter(round(daysDiff) <= AppConstants.TRIPS_MAX_DAYS_DIFF)
During the data engineering process, I enhance the dataset by extracting new columns based on the existing data. The following are the features applied to the dataset:
Duration Calculation: Using the pickup and dropoff time information, I calculate the duration of each trip. This duration is added as a new column to provide insights into the time taken for each ride.
Weekend Identification: Using the Pickup DateTime, I apply the
function to determine whether a particular trip occurred on a weekend or not. This information is captured in a new column calledis_weekend
. -
DateTime Splitting: The Pickup DateTime is further processed by splitting it into separate columns for month, year, day, and hour. This facilitate time-based comparisons.