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CbUi Javascript user interface framework

The CbUi framework is built upon base2 and jquery to provide a way of building user interfaces in a similar way as you'd expect from a classical desktop UI library. There is an event passing system and a way of defining widget classes. Widgets can be nested in certain ways and there is a class hierarchy which can be extended.

Some widgets depend on other culturebase projects, but most can be used on their own.

Available widgets

CbUi offers a wide array of widgets:

  • widget.js/widget: The base widget of everything. Handles translation hide/show, resizing, movement and life cycle for itself.
  • window.js
    • frame: A lightweight container for grouping widgets. It can notify its children of changes in either of them or in the frame itself.
    • window: A more fully featured container. Manages the life cycle of any widgets contained in it, can load a template for itself via ajax and can validate its children. You need the Culturebase "cbShadow" module or another source of addShadow() to use the drop shadows.
    • language_window: Window to choose the active language. Choosing a language will translate the UI into the new language and close the window.
    • text_window: Window with translatable and dynamically replacable text bricks. You can can pass a "texts" parameter to the constructor and those texts will be taken as patterns to be replaced in any translation. This can be used for things like the the user's name which will show up in different places, depending on language, but shouldn't be added to the general translations.
  • text.js
    • text: A simple text widget with a label that gets translated by the translation system.
    • multiText: Several translated texts which can be switched in place at runtime.
  • input.js
    • input: The base widget for all input widgets. Handles validation and unified retrieval of values
    • inputText: Text input widget with a default text to be shown if there is no user supplied text.
    • password: Password input widget, also with a default text. The default text is shown as clear text.
    • select: Select box with options to be chosen from.
    • checkbox: Pretty simple checkbox.
    • searchBox: Ajax-driven autocompleting pair of input fields. One of the fields is an descriptive text shown to the user, the other one can be used for an ID is not shown. In order to use this you need the Culturebase "autocomplete" jQuery module.
    • inputTextArea: Like inputText but for longer texts.
  • button.js
    • textButton: The same as text for now.
    • langSelect: A text button to show the currently selected language. On click it will open the language window where a different one can be chosen.
    • imgButton: Nothing special.
    • closeButton: An imgButton which will search for an enclosing window an close that on click.
    • langFlag: An imgButton that shows the currently selected language as flag.
    • langSelectFlag: A langFlag that on click does the same as langSelect.
    • chooseList: A list of things to be chosen from. If one of them is clicked an action can be triggered.
    • langChooseList: A list of available languages. On click the UI is translated into the selected language and the current window is closed.
  • loader.js/loader: A loading indicator which blocks any UI interaction until hidden or destroyed.
  • moreless.js
    • moreLess: A frame which shows expands and shrinks its content on click of specific buttons (or programatically)
    • moreLessText: A moreLess frame for text. You can specify a maximum text length for the "less" state and the text will be cut accordingly.
    • moreLessElements: A moreLess frame for HTML elements. You can configure the maximum number of children to be shown in the "less" state.
  • sortable.js/sortableFrame: A frame with items sortable by the jquery_ui "sortable" effect. Obviously you need jquery_ui for this to work.
  • player.js: Video Players You need the Culturebase "player40" project or something compatible for those to actually do anything.
    • base_player: Basic functionality for video players. Subclassed by all actual players.
    • jw_player: A flash based player built around JwPlayer
    • html5_player: Player using the <video> tag.
    • dummy_player: Not actually a player, but provides the same interface.
    • player: A wrapper around jw/html5/dummy which will select the best one depending on available media and client capacities.
    • playerVersions: A select box to choose from different versions of a video.
    • playerControls: A set of buttons to play/pause/stop ... a video.
    • playerSlides: Slide show with video attached to it. Don't ask ...

Autocreating widgets

Widgets can be automatically created into HTML templates. For that to work you have to add class attributes named "__CbUi" to the elements your widgets (instances of $ in this case) expect as parent elements. Then you have to sublcass $.CbWidget.window and pass such a template to its constructor. It will automatically create the required widgets and manage their life cycles.


The widget system requires a "brick source", an ajax endpoint to query for translations. The labels of the requested bricks will be passed as GET parameter "labels", another parameter "projects" contains the projects configured in CbWidgetRegistry and the parameter "language" contains the requested language in the form of a locale-like combination of language and country code (incidentally the same thing Zend uses). Parameters are URL-encoded and arrays are created the jQuery/PHP way by appending '[]' to the parameter name. The response has to be a JSON-encoded object which maps the labels to translated strings.


There are several validators available for input widgets (see validate.js):

  • nonempty
  • email
  • account (either email or alphanumeric lowercase of max 25 characters which may also contain '-', but not as first or last character.
  • equals (checks that all widgets in a group have the same content)
  • number
  • editingFinished (for autocomplete, there are several editing stages)
  • inputLength (configurable minimum and maximum length for text input)

You can create validators declaratively in the same way as widgets. Just add a class "__CbValidateFoo" for validator "foo" to the parent element of a widget. The surrounding window will automatically create and use it.


Culturebase Javascript UI framework.







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