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import of Agda code into Latex directly from agda files


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Integrating Agda Files into Latex

The code in this directory is based on files created by Andreas Abel, Stephan Adelsberger, Anton Setzer

This directory contains a Makefile with some additional script and example latex, bibtex, and agda files which allows to integrate agda files into Latex files, by using normal agda files (no need to use lagda). The script will generated from tagged Agda files LaTeX macros which generate the latex code from agda files.



contains the original proposal for a code sprint from the Agda Implementors Meeting XXXVIII Swansea 13 May 2024

Running the example

Download the repository and execute



Preliminaries The paths mainLatexFiles, agda, _generatedLagda, _agdaLatex-before-sed, _agdaLatex used in the following can be customized in the Makefile.

The main example is


which refers to the Agda file agda/example.agda

After running make a generated agdaLatex file latex/example.tex is created which defines LaTeX macros which, when used in a LaTeX file, adds the Agda code to LaTeX. The make command will as well run pdflatex and bibtex on the file mainLatexFiles/exampleMainLatexFile1.tex

Example Agda file with tags

The file example.agda

starts with --@PREFIX@example

which sets the prefix to "example"

This prefix will be added in front of all LaTeX macros. We recommend to use for prefix a name which indicate which Agda file you are referring to so that you can find the Agda file easily, where your code and the LaTex macros are defined.

Note LaTeX only allows in macros normal character, especially no digits, as often used for names of agda files. A workaround is to use e.g. "one" for "1", "two" for "2", etc.

The file example.agda then tags the Agda code defining the natural numbers with name "N" using


From this name "N" and the prefix "example" a LaTeX macro


is generated (where "exampleN" = "example" ++ "N" )

Furthermore, the agda file has tags introducing a macro


and tags introducing a macro for inline code:


The file mainLatexFiles/exampleMainLatexFile1.tex then gives example uses for these macros from which a LaTeX file is generated when running make

Setup of LaTeX files

The macro file mainLatexFiles/macrosAgdaAdaption.tex

loads the file agda.sty which will appear in _agdaLatex/agda.sty (If you add your own adapted file there it should stay there) For Unicode characters, some macros are defined in mainLatexFiles/macrosAgdaAdaption.tex such as \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2115}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}} which defines the Unicode character 0x2115 (blackboard face N) as the LaTeX code for the natural numbers. Over time more characters will be added to this file. If you get an error, its usually best to search online for unicode and the hexcode displayed, and then define a corresponding LaTeX definition. Note Please note that if you use the LaTeX style file inputenc you should use utf instead of utfx (the latter is no longer maintained).

You need to include the generated LaTeX file and the macrosAgdaAdaption.tex in the example defined as

\input macrosAgdaAdaption \input ../_agdaLatex/example.tex \input ../_agdaLatex/example2.tex

Required Software

You need to have awk, sed, GNU make, pdflatex, bibtex, agda installed.

If using Windows you might need to install Ubuntu as a Windows subsystem WSL (supported from the Microsoft store).

Main commands for creating generated latex files (called agdaLatex files) and running LaTeX

The command


will create the generated latex files, It will then execute pdflatex and bibtex on the file mainLatexFiles/mainLatexFile1

To do the same for mainLatexFiles/mainLatexFile2 execute make default2

Precise Syntax for Agda files

This file generates from Agda files latex file which contain definitions


where \mymacro adds Agda code from your Agda file into any existing latex file.

Example files are agda/example.agda agda/example2.agda

The name of mymacro is formed from

  • a global prefix which you define at the beginning of the agda file to indicate which agda file you are referring to
  • a name you give to your definition

In your Agda file you add at the beginning a line


which defines the prefix to be used for your current Agda file.

Then for Agda code to be included you add at the beginning

--@BEGIN@name some agda code --@END

Both myprefix and name should only contain normal letters and no digits, since a latex macro is generated from these.

The code will generate a LaTeX macro `newcommand{\mymacro}{...}` where mymacro is the concatenation of myprefix and name

For instance in agda/example.agda the prefix is given by


and an example is the code starting with


and ending with


which generates a macro


inline code

In order to create inline code, use

--@BEGIN-inline@name instead of --@BEGIN@name

Alignment of of code in Agda files

In order to avoid overalignment, only code which is preceded by double blanks is aligned (as it the standard for lagda files.

Note that some Unicode characters are shorter or longer when displayed in Agda, whereas for alignment purposes they count as single characters. By moving in Emacs cursor up and down you can find out where the correct position is.


The configuration is

  • mainLatexFileDir1 is where your main latex files are located

    • The default is mainLatexFiles
  • mainAgdaDiris the root directory where the agda files from which you want to generated latex files are located.

    • the default is agdan
  • generatedLagdaDir is a directory where generated lagda files are moved to.

    • The default is _lagda
  • generatedAgdaLatexBeforeSedFileDir is where intermediate latex files generated from lagda files are placed.

    • The default is _agdaLatex-before-sed
  • generatedAgdaLatexFileDir is the directory where the LaTeX files generated from the agda files, called "agdaLatex" files are placed.

    • The default is _agdaLatex
  • mainLatexFile1 and mainLatexFile2 define the two main Latex Files on which pdflatex and bibtex is executed

  • bibtexMainLatexFile1, bibtexMainLatexFile2 determine whether to run bibtex on mainLatexFile1, mainLatexFile2 respectively

NOTE: You should not use generatedLagdaDir, generatedAgdaLatexBeforeSedFileDir, generatedAgdaLatexFileDir for other purposes since the files there might be overwritten or deleted

Type-checking of Agda files

The code will type-check all original agda files, and will generated the latex files from the generated lagda files without type-checking. This should reduce the amount of time used for type-checking. The type-checking is a precaution so that you have the guaranteed that all agda files used are properly type-checked.


import of Agda code into Latex directly from agda files







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