This repository automates the distributed deployment of WSO2 API Manager using Ansible. It separates the API Manager into components including control-plane, gateway-worker, traffic-manager, key-manager, with MySQL server serving as the centralized database. WSO2 Identity Server works as the key manager within this deployment. The deployment process is guided by Ansible playbooks for seamless execution.
Install ansible on Ubuntu.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible -y
Generate a public key and a private key for use within Ansible. If you want more security, you can use a passphrase with your key.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "ansible"
Add the SSH public key to the Ubuntu nodes.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]
Use this command to log in to Ubuntu node.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible
Create ansible.cfg file and inventory file.
The ansible.cfg file configures ansible's settings, while the inventory file specifies the hosts ansible will manage.
ansible.cfg file
inventory = inventory
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/ansible
inventory file with Host groups
[cp_wso2_com] or [IP]
[tm_wso2_com] or [IP]
[km_wso2_com] or [IP]
[gw_wso2_com] or [IP]
[mysql_wso2_com] or [IP]
Ansible-Playbook commad.
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass install-orcale-java.yml
ansible-playbook install-orcale-java.yml