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Merge ArrayId into PrimitiveValue
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cruessler committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent c703b3e commit 29c9a88
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Showing 4 changed files with 87 additions and 62 deletions.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions app/elm/Environment.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Environment exposing
( Environment
( Arrays
, Environment
, Object(..)
, back
, clean
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,14 +40,18 @@ type Object
= Line Line

type alias Arrays =
Dict Int { items : Array Type.Value, origin : Int, id : Maybe Int }

type alias Environment =
{ history : History
, objects : List ( Int, Object )
, turtle : Turtle
, penSize : Int
, color : Color
, nextId : Int
, arrays : Dict Int { items : Array Type.Value, origin : Int, id : Maybe Int }
, arrays : Arrays
, nextArrayId : Int

Expand Down
51 changes: 19 additions & 32 deletions app/elm/Vm/Stack.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,69 +2,51 @@ module Vm.Stack exposing
( PrimitiveValue(..)
, Stack
, Value(..)
, toTypeValue
, toValue

import Dict
import Environment exposing (Arrays)
import Json.Encode as E
import Vm.Type as Type

{-| This module mainly holds the definition for a `Value` as it is represented
on the stack.
The introduction of arrays that are treated as references by UCBLogo poses a
few challenges as the stack did not have to deal with reference values so far.
This can be seen by the fact that there are now two different types,
`PrimitiveValue` and `Value`, used to represent values on the stack. At this
point, they are not clearly separated yet as `PrimitiveValue`, through its
variant `List`, can hold arrays, and thus reference values. This also leads to
certain programs’s behaviour diverging from their behaviour when run in
As of February 2024, I think a correct and simple solution would be to
integrate `ArrayId` into `PrimitiveValue` and convert `PrimitiveValue` to
`Type.Value` whenever a value is taken from the stack (and vice versa when it
is put onto the stack). Since this would come at a performance cost, I’m
slightly hesitant to adopt this solution.
type PrimitiveValue
= Word String
| Int Int
| Float Float
| List (List Type.Value)
| List (List PrimitiveValue)
| ArrayId Int

type Value
= Void
| Address Int
| Value PrimitiveValue
| ArrayId Int

type alias Stack =
List Value

encodeValue : Value -> E.Value
encodeValue value =
encodeValue : Arrays -> Value -> E.Value
encodeValue arrays value =
case value of
Void ->
E.string "_"

Address address ->
E.string <| "@" ++ String.fromInt address

Value value_ ->
E.string <| Type.toDebugString <| toTypeValue value_

ArrayId id ->
E.string <| "array @" ++ String.fromInt id
Value primitive ->
E.string <| Type.toDebugString <| toTypeValue arrays primitive

toTypeValue : PrimitiveValue -> Type.Value
toTypeValue value =
toTypeValue : Arrays -> PrimitiveValue -> Type.Value
toTypeValue arrays value =
case value of
Word string ->
Type.Word string
Expand All @@ -76,9 +58,14 @@ toTypeValue value =
Type.Float float

List list ->
Type.List list
Type.List ( (toTypeValue arrays) list)

ArrayId id ->
Dict.get id arrays
|> Type.Array
|> Maybe.withDefault (Type.Word "<array not found>")

toValue : Stack -> E.Value
toValue =
E.list encodeValue
toValue : Arrays -> Stack -> E.Value
toValue arrays =
E.list (encodeValue arrays)
84 changes: 58 additions & 26 deletions app/elm/Vm/Vm.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ toValue { instructions, programCounter, stack, scopes, environment } =
[ ( "instructions", encodeInstructions instructions )
, ( "programCounter", programCounter )
, ( "stack", Stack.toValue stack )
, ( "stack", Stack.toValue environment.arrays stack )
, ( "scopes", E.list Scope.toValue scopes )
, ( "environment", Environment.toValue environment )
Expand All @@ -229,23 +229,67 @@ incrementProgramCounter vm =
{ vm | programCounter = vm.programCounter + 1 }

{-| Convert a `Type.Value` to a `Stack.Value`. If the value is a `Type.Array`,
assign it an id and store it in the VM’s enviromnent.
{-| Convert a `Stack.PrimitiveValue` to a `Type.Value`. If the value is a
`Stack.ArrayId`, use the VM’s enviromnent to resolve it to an array.
toStackValue : Type.Value -> Vm -> ( Stack.Value, Vm )
toStackValue value vm =
toTypeValue : Stack.PrimitiveValue -> Vm -> Result Error Type.Value
toTypeValue value vm =
case value of
Stack.Word string ->
Ok <| Type.Word string

Stack.Int int ->
Ok <| Type.Int int

Stack.Float float ->
Ok <| Type.Float float

Stack.List list ->
list_ =
(\value_ acc -> Result.map2 (::) (toTypeValue value_ vm) acc)
(Ok [])
in Type.List list_

Stack.ArrayId id ->
Dict.get id vm.environment.arrays
|> Result.fromMaybe (Internal ArrayNotFound)
|> Type.Array

{-| Convert a `Type.Value` to a `Stack.PrimitiveValue`. If the value is a
`Type.Array`, assign it an id and store it in the VM’s enviromnent.
toStackPrimitiveValue : Type.Value -> Vm -> ( Stack.PrimitiveValue, Vm )
toStackPrimitiveValue value vm =
case value of
Type.Word word ->
( Stack.Value (Stack.Word word), vm )
( Stack.Word word, vm )

Type.Int int ->
( Stack.Value (Stack.Int int), vm )
( Stack.Int int, vm )

Type.Float float ->
( Stack.Value (Stack.Float float), vm )
( Stack.Float float, vm )

Type.List list ->
( Stack.Value (Stack.List list), vm )
( stackList, newVm ) =
(\value_ ( accList, accVm ) ->
( stackValue, newAccVm ) =
toStackPrimitiveValue value_ accVm
( stackValue :: accList, newAccVm )
( [], vm )
( Stack.List stackList, newVm )

Type.Array { items, origin, id } ->
case id of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,9 +325,9 @@ pushValue1 : Type.Value -> Vm -> Vm
pushValue1 value vm =
( newValue, newVm ) =
toStackValue value vm
toStackPrimitiveValue value vm
{ newVm | stack = newValue :: newVm.stack }
{ newVm | stack = Stack.Value newValue :: newVm.stack }

{-| Pop a single value from the stack. Return a value and the remaining stack.
Expand All @@ -295,15 +339,8 @@ popValue1 : Vm -> Result Error ( Type.Value, Vm )
popValue1 vm =
case vm.stack of
(Stack.Value first) :: rest ->
Ok ( Stack.toTypeValue first, { vm | stack = rest } )

(Stack.ArrayId id) :: rest ->
case Dict.get id vm.environment.arrays of
Just array ->
Ok ( Type.Array array, { vm | stack = rest } )

_ ->
Err <| Internal ArrayNotFound
toTypeValue first vm
|> (\value -> ( value, { vm | stack = rest } ))

_ ->
Err <| Internal InvalidStack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,12 +427,7 @@ popValues n vm =
(\value ->
case value of
Stack.Value value_ ->
Ok (Stack.toTypeValue value_)

Stack.ArrayId id ->
Dict.get id vm.environment.arrays
|> Result.fromMaybe (Internal ArrayNotFound)
|> Type.Array
toTypeValue value_ vm

_ ->
Err <| Internal InvalidStack
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions tests/Test/Encode.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Test.Encode exposing
, encodeAndDecodeVms

import Dict
import Environment.History exposing (Entry(..))
import Expect
import Json.Decode as D
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,11 +128,11 @@ encodeAndDecodeStack =
[ Stack.Void
, Stack.Address 10
, Stack.Value <| Stack.Word "word"
, Stack.Value <| Stack.List [ word, Type.List [ word ] ]
, Stack.Value <| Stack.List [ Stack.Word "word", Stack.List [ Stack.Word "word" ] ]

value =
Stack.toValue stack
Stack.toValue Dict.empty stack
D.decodeValue (D.list D.string) value
|> Expect.ok
Expand Down

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