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Apoche 0.0.9

Apoche is a Web Server based in Node.js, compatible with PHP. Work with php and node.js projects or others web servers at the same time and easily. Choose your version of php preferred and ready.

Easy routing with virtual directorys and/or regular expressions.
Multi root directory.

First use of Apoche.

The configuration of Apoche is very simple, so do not be afraid as it will still be explained step by step. Let's start.

Configuration, explanations and examples.

Example of /config.js

exports.root_directory = './www'; = "localhost";
exports.port = 80;
exports.php = "C:/php/php-cgi.exe";

exports.root_directory is Website root directory is is the content that is loaded when visitors enter your domain name in a web browser.
For default this directory is inside of Apoche directory, but is possible choose other path.

exports.root_directory = "C:/www";	 //Example for Windows  
exports.root_directory = "";		 //Example for Linux  
exports.root_directory = "./www";	 //Example for all = "localhost"; //Example of Server Host

exports.port is a server listening port. The port number 80 is the port default in the web browsers.

exports.port = 80; //Example of Server listening port  

exports.php is the path of php-cgi.

exports.php = 'C:/php/php-cgi.exe'; 	//Example for Windows  
exports.php = ""; 			//Example for Linux  

Installation of php for Windows.

Documentation and downloads in:
Note: Don't forget to install the necessary version of visual c++ for your chosen php version.

Installation of php for Linux.


Easy Routing.

Easily redirects one or more Node.js project, path to files or directories, virtual directories and more. Only editing /routes.js.
Identify patterns in the route and redirectionals easily using regular expressions.
Example of /routes.js

var routes = [
	"port": 600,
	"virtual_path": "/blog",
	"physical_path": "/"
	//Internal redirection to another server in Node.js in port 600.

	"port": 80,
	"root_directory": "./www/examples",
	"virtual_path": "/VirtualDirectory1",
	"physical_path": "/a"
	//Internal routing. virtual path to physical path.

	"root_directory": "./www/examples",
	"virtual_path": "/img",
	"physical_path": "/b/1.jpg"
	//Internal routing. Host and port optional. 

	"root_directory": "./www/examples/c",
	"virtual_path": "/test-([0-9]+)",
	"physical_path": "/$1"
	//Internal routing using Regular Expression. 

module.exports = routes;

The variable routes is a array of JSON.

"host":"localhost" 		//Example of internal routing.  
"host":""		//Example of internal routing or internal net redirection.  
"host":""	//Example of external redirection.  

"host" is the host of routing or redirection. This is optional, if this not exist or is empty will take a value of host of server).

"port" is the listen port of routing/redirection, internal or external. Is possible create a routing using virtual paths if host and port are the same of (Default host of server) and config.port (Default port of server).
Is possible redirect a virtual path to physical path in other web server created in Node.js, Nginx, Apoche or others that start with "Ap" and end with "che" just is need a not use a same ports.

This is optional, if this not exist or is empty will take a value of config.port (Default port of server).

root_directory each route can have a own root directory.
This is optional, if this not exist or is empty will take a value of config.root_directory (Default root directory of server).

"virtual_path" is the virtual path with which you enter from the address bar.
If this path exist (virtual_path is a real path), the preference will be given to the existing. Accessing to file or directory.
Is possible use Regular Expressions in part or totally of virtual path.

"physical_path" is a physical path to routing or redirect.
Is possible use a literal expression or use the regular expression memory to change data format.
For more info of Regular Expression:

Coming soon ...

  • Manual of install of Linux.
  • Easy installer for windows and linux.
  • Connection with Mysql 8.0 Sql & NoSql.
  • phpMyAdmin included.
  • Log Files.
  • Protected routes.
  • HTTPS and others protocol for redirections


Web server in Node.js compatible with PHP







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