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The documentation of Conduktor Platform & Desktop

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Conduktor technical docs

Production is on main:

Deployment and structure

In most cases, you'll be editing Markdown files in the docs directory, for either Console (docs/platform) or Gateway (docs/gateway).

For a local preview (on localhost:3000), run yarn start.

If you're editing many files or making significant changes, run yarn build to check for any failures before merging:

$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

We're using Vercel for hosting and the build will try to deploy to this platform.

Docs best practice


When creating a new page, use this layout:

  • Overview. Introduce the concept and highlight main benefits.
  • Prerequisites. List things that have to be done/set up before using.
  • Use {feature}. Be clear, succinct and use task-oriented headings.
  • Configure {feature}. List available customization options.
  • Troubleshoot. Add a question/answer list of potential issues/solutions related to {feature}.
  • Related resources. Include links to topics related to the feature. Add this link at the end: Give us feedback/request a feature

When adding a tutorial, use this layout:

  • Overview/goal. Introduce the concept and the purpose/goal.
  • Context or requirements. Set the scene/list pre-requisites.
  • List numbered steps. Use action-oriented headings.
  • Expected results. Summarize the outcome(s), if it's more complex than something was 'successfully created/added'.
  • Related tutorials. Anything else they could learn that's relevant.
  • Related resources. Include links to topics related to the feature. Add these two links at the end:


Add images to the assets folder under the same directory as the Markdown file you're editing. Use ![Image description](assets/image.png).

All images will be auto-sized to fit the width of the content pane.

To resize an image:

import MyImage from './assets/my-image.png';

<img src={MyImage} alt="My Image" style={{ width: 400, display: 'block', margin: 'auto' }} />


Use absolute links when linking to Conduktor docs, e.g. /platform/get-started/installation/hardware/.

You can also link to a specific section on a page, e.g. /platform/get-started/installation/hardware/#hardware-requirements.


Use tabs to break-up long paragraphs or provide options, like this.

To add tabs:

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

<TabItem value="First Tab" label="First Tab">

My first tab content:

```yaml title="first-tab.yaml"
myFirstTab: "content"

<TabItem value="Second Tab" label="Second Tab">

My second tab content:

```yaml title="second-tab.yaml"
mySecondTab: "content"


Use tags to visualize available options, like this.

To add tags:

import Admonition from '@theme/Admonition';

export const Highlight = ({children, color, text}) => (
<span style={{ backgroundColor: color, borderRadius: '4px', color: text, padding: '0.2rem 0.5rem', fontWeight: '500' }}> {children} </span>

export const Tag1 = () => (
<Highlight color="#F8F1EE" text="#7D5E54">Tag 1</Highlight>


Update release notes

Every new version of Gateway and Console has to have release notes.

To update release notes:

  1. Go to src/pages/changelog.
  2. Create a new file or copy an existing one and rename it. The name has to be in this format: <productName>-<versionNumber>.md.
  3. Make sure your file has the following header:
date: 2025-11-25
title: Chargeback
description: docker pull conduktor/conduktor-console:1.31.0
solutions: console
tags: features,fix

*Release date: {, 10)}*
  1. Document all the changes in the release. If it's a major release, consider adding an index/table of contents to make it easier to read.
  2. Open src/pages/changelog.mdx and import your new file, e.g.:
import Console1310 from './changelog/';
  1. Finally, add an entry at the top of the page, linking to your file. E.g.:
## Console 1.131.0
<Console1310 />

Update public API docs

API docs live on host:8888 of the deployed Gateway/Console and are also published to: Gateway API docs and Console API docs.

To update the public docs:

  1. Copy the latest open API yaml files from the conduktor-proxy repo based on the version:
  1. Paste the yaml files to /static/developers and rename as required.
  2. Add the new version to static/developers/openapi/manifest.json.