Resources for learning about modeling and simulation. This document is a work in progress, but nevertheless contains useful information. Background expected in linear algebra and a typical calculus sequence.
Disclaimer: Most linked content is not licensed, owned, or maintained by S. H. Bryngelson, nor can I ensure the correctness of any of the below resources. Use for educational purposes and at your own risk.
- Linear algebra refresher
- How to build a mathematical model?
- Discrete versus continuous time models
- Analysis of dynamical systems
- Numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs
- Cellular automata
- Markov chain model
- Discrete-event simulation and queuing models
- Input-output analysis
- Creating dynamical systems from observations
Introduction to Linear and Matrix Algebra (Nathaniel Johnston) (textbooks)
Numerical Linear Algebra (Lloyd N. Trefethen, David Bau III) (textbooks)
Intro. to mathematical modeling (slides, Andrea Doescl-Wilson)
An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling (course lecture notes, Glenn Marion)
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation (slides from Markus J. Buehler, MIT)
Notes and Papers
Explanatory videos by MATLAB Tech Talks
Implementation/Code Examples