Since drush 9.x does not support drush archive-dump
and drush archive-restore
, we decided to create this little tool which does pretty much the same thing in a more primitive way.
There are 2 commands: drupal-archive cda:dump && drupal-archive cda:restore
with optional parameters --use-drush
in case you have drush <= 8.1.17 and you want to use the native drush commands.
You will need composer installed with php >= 7.1 and mysql
client tools (mysqladmin) on your machine.
It is best to install the package globally with composer:
composer global require cohesiondx8/drupal-archive
drupal-client cda:dump <source> <destination> [--overwrite] [--use-drush]
is your drupal website docroot (usually/var/www/html
is the created target archive location.--overwrite
is whether you want to overwritte your archive.--use-drush
if you have drush <= 8.1.17 installed then you can use this parameter to calldrush archive-dump
drupal-client cda:dump /var/www/html/web /tmp/backup.tar --overwrite --use-drush -vvv
drupal-client cda:restore <source> <destination> [--db-url=mysql_url] [--overwrite] [--use-drush]
is the archive previously created withcda:dump
is the target directory where your drupal website will be extracted.--overwrite
is whether you want to overwritte your archive.--use-drush
if you have drush <= 8.1.17 installed then you can use this parameter to calldrush archive-dump
drupal-client cda:restore /tmp/backup.tar /var/www/html/web-new --db-url=mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/drupal --overwrite -vvv