#Squire rails
squire-rails gem is made on the basis of the squire.
squire-rails is possible following things.
- It calls the javascript of squire
- Generator of sample source code using the twitter-bootstrap and font-awesome
squire-rais is using such only javascript and css, it will also work in the any version of rails.
##Getting start Add to this in Gemfile
gem 'squire-rails'
Run bundle install command
bundle exec rake db:migrate
If you want to use only the javascirpt of squire, open the app/assets/javascripts/applications.js
, writes the following.
//= require squire/squire-raw
How to use the squire, please look at the github of squire.
##Basic usage of squire editor
Create scaffold
rails g scaffold Post title:string description:text
And run.
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Open the app/views/posts/_form.html.erb
Turn off the display of description.
<%= f.text_area :description, :style =>'display:none' %>
Add the following in the form_for instead.
<div id="squire_action">
<span id="bold">Bold</span>
<span id="removeBold">Unbold</span>
<span id="italic">Italic</span>
<span id="removeItalic">Unitalic</span>
<span id="underline">Underline</span>
<span id="removeUnderline">Deunderline</span>
<span id="setFontSize" class="prompt">Font size</span>
<span id="setFontFace" class="prompt">Font face</span>
<span id="setTextColour" class="prompt">Text colour</span>
<span id="setHighlightColour" class="prompt">Text highlight</span>
<span id="makeLink" class="prompt">Link</span>
<span id="increaseQuoteLevel">Quote</span>
<span id="decreaseQuoteLevel">Dequote</span>
<span id="makeUnorderedList">List</span>
<span id="removeList">Unlist</span>
<span id="increaseListLevel">Increase list level</span>
<span id="decreaseListLevel">Decrease list level</span>
<span id="insertImage" class="prompt">Insert image</span>
<span id="setHTML" class="prompt">Set HTML</span>
<span id="undo">Undo</span>
<span id="redo">Redo</span>
<iframe id="seditor" width="500" height="300"></iframe>
Open the app/views/posts/edit.html.erb
, add the following.
<%= javascript_tag do %>
var $post_description = '<%= raw @post.description.gsub("'", "\\\\'") %>';
<% end %>
Open the app/assets/javascripts/posts.js.coffee
, add the following.
$(document).on 'ready page:load', ->
$editor_id = "seditor"
if document.getElementById($editor_id)
iframe = $('#'+$editor_id)
iframe[0].contentWindow.editor = new Squire(iframe[0].contentWindow.document)
editor = iframe[0].contentWindow.editor
document.addEventListener 'click', ((e) ->
id = e.target.id
value = undefined
if id and editor and editor[id]
if e.target.className == 'prompt'
value = prompt('Value:')
editor[id] value
), false
if typeof $post_description != 'undefined'
editor.setHTML $squire_description
$('form').submit ->
Open the app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css.scss
to add the following.
#squire_action span {
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
#squire_action p {
margin: 5px 0;