getlinklist will be able to easily display a linked list of routing only of GET on view.
You can hide in unnecessary get url.
Add to this in Gemfile
gem ‘get_link_list’
Run bundle install command
bundle install
open app/assets/javascripts/application.js
write this
//= require get_link_list
open app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
write this
*= require get_link_list
open app/views/layouts/application.html.erb add helper in top of body tag
<%= render_get_links if !Rails.env.production? %>
All GET link does not need to be displayed in the view.
For example, mailer links are GET, but there is no need to display.
You can set the controllers and actions that do not appear in the list.
create config file
bundle exec rails g get_link_list:config
Open config/initializers/get_link_list.rb
config.ignore_controller = ["controller_name1" : "", "controller_name2" : ""]
config.ignore_controller = ["controller_name1" : ["action_name1","action_name2"]]
If you want to customize js and css.
GetLinkList Gem expands assets in your rails application.
Run this
bundle exec rails g get_link_list:assets
and then
create app/assets/javascripts/get_link_list/
create app/assets/stylesheets/get_link_list/index.css.scss