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Delphi Flu Hospitalization Production Forecaster

Submitted to the 2023-2024 FluSight repo.


After getting Python setup, you can use the CLI utility.

# Setup, activate venv, and install dependencies
make install-py-deps
source venv/bin/activate

# Run the forecasts and make an evaluation notebook
python forecast

# Run the forecasts on a given date
FORECAST_DUE_DATE="2023-10-11" python forecast

# See more CLI commands
python --help

Directory Layout

  • run.R - the main R script for the forecaster
  • - a CLI utility for running the forecaster and submitting to the FluSight repo
  • Makefile - a Makefile for installing dependencies
  • R/ - importable R functions for the forecaster
  • scripts/ - other pipeline scripts
  • data-forecasts/ - output directory for forecasts


The following instructions were tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with R 4.2.2. After cloning this repo and cding into it, run the following commands:

# Set your Github PAT as an env var in your profile
#[email protected]/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens
# (needed because some of Delphi's dependencies are large and will overload the unauthenticated Github API)
echo "GITHUB_PAT=<your token>" | tee -a ~/.zprofile

# Setup Python3
make install-py-deps
source venv/bin/activate

# Install the latest R if you don't have it:

# Install R dependencies
make install-r-deps

Installing Gurobi

# Get a Gurobi license
# Download Gurobi
tar xzvf gurobi9.5.2_linux64.tar.gz
sudo mv gurobi952 /opt/
# grbgetkey requires a campus network or full VPN
/opt/gurobi952/linux64/bin/grbgetkey <your key hash>
# It will ask you to enter a path to a license file, I recommend ~/.gurobi/gurobi.lic

# Add variables to your bash profile
echo 'export GUROBI_HOME="/opt/gurobi952"' | tee -a ~/.zprofile
echo 'export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="${HOME}/.gurobi/gurobi.lic"' | tee -a ~/.zprofile

# Add Gurobi libraries to your R shared libs
echo 'R_GUROBI_LIBRARY_PATH="${GUROBI_HOME}/linux64/lib/"' | sudo tee -a /etc/R/ldpaths
echo 'R_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${R_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${R_GUROBI_LIBRARY_PATH}"' | sudo tee -a /etc/R/ldpaths

# Install Gurobi R
Rscript -e 'renv::install("/opt/gurobi952/linux64/R/gurobi_9.5-2_R_4.2.0.tar.gz")'
# Test the installation
Rscript -e 'library(gurobi)'