A simple, lightweight and flexible jQuery-plugin for all your instagram needs. It uses a template based result output, so that you can tweak the results to what you want, without any hassle. Hurrah!
↳ http://clrblnd.github.com/insta-bam/public/
- Scrape for a hashtag
- Pull in a user-feed
- whitelist results (filter on tags or users)
- apply css style based on # of likes
- very configurable and easy to use
You first create an element, with a class name that we'll call on later. This div fill be filled with the result output.
<span class='instabam results antwerp'></span>
Just put it in the head of course
<script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key="></script>
google.load("jquery", "1");
<script src="insta-bam-min.js"></script>
We can now call a simple jQuery function to our element, and flood it with results.
var access_token = "133738.60499ed.b5b9f817ef3f4f9a8f08bc22390cde4d",
client_id = "60499edcc1a84061b4dd1c97041a3dc3";
$('.instabam.results.antwerp').instafeed('https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/antwerp/media/recent?access_token=' + access_token, {
clientid: client_id,
whitelist: ['stadantwerpen'],
doneCallback: function(){
$(this).find('img').each(function (){
if($(this).data('likes') >= 20){
We'll try and keep the plugin relevant. On the drawingboard are the following:
- better integration of the #-likes css style thingie
- nice preloading of the assets
- better error handling
Thanks to @ivow for many usefull tips on tackling the code (the template system is his idea). Thanks to you for using the plugin and letting us know how and where.