Releases: cloudposse/actions
Releases · cloudposse/actions
0.33.0: chore(deps): update golang docker tag to v1.20 (#115)
0.32.0 Update cloned actions
0.32.0-rc1 Update cloned actions
Update cloned actions, mainly to update from deprecated Node.js 12 to supported Node.js 16 and new state and output mechanisms.
What's Changed
- Use args with status updater instead of env vars, update checkout to v3 by @Nuru in #133
- Renamed access token by @zdmytriv in #137
- Update cloned GitHub actions by @Nuru in #136
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.31.0...0.32.0-rc1
Update Alpine-based actions to Alpine 3.16
What's Changed
- ci: add injection of CloudFlare secrets by @SweetOps in #111
- Add support for Terraform versions 0.15 and 1.x by @Nuru in #118
- test-harness uses different grep than Geodesic default by @Nuru in #119
- Update bats and terratest testing for Terraform 1.x by @Nuru in #121
- Choose Terraform version based requirements of test, not of module by @Nuru in #132
- chore(deps): update dependency alpine to v3.16 by @renovate in #113
Full Changelog: 0.30.0...0.31.0
0.30.0 git-push Action Now Pushes for Untracked Files as well as File Modifications
0.30.0 git-push
action now pushes for untracked files as well as file modifications.
Adding -C Option to git-push Action
Adding -C Option to git-push Action
Update Codefresh Docker image bases to 0.74.9
- Update Codefresh Docker image bases to 0.74.9
- Fix Terraform tests for repos whose default branch is not named
0.28.0 Support LDFLAGS in Go Build
Support the LDFLAGS
option in go build
So we can add set build-time variables (such as the binary's version)
0.27.0 Update `pipeline-creator` README
- Update
- Use Cloud Posse
repo in the example
0.26.0 Update Codefresh `pipeline-creator`
- Update Codefresh
- Use
to provide pipeline spec type (microservice, spa, serverless) instead of definingcf_spec_catalog
as paths to the pipeline definitions and specs - simpler, but more opinionated, configuration. - Use
to provideGITHUB_TOKEN
togit clone
- more secure.