Created by Dualnames
I know that Wyz is an incredibly busy man, and has barely managed to maintain the source of the AGS Joystick Plugin, given that, and given that I'm also implementing a version of it with SDL, it seems fitting to disengage the two things between them. A majority of the code has been written/based off code by eri0o and Wyz, so kudos go to them! The inclusion of the SDL library allows for two important things:
- XInput recognition
- Cross-platform
The only thing u have to do, is make sure u put SDL2.dll inside ur debug and compiled folders, otherwise you'll get error messages. The dll will be provided below.
int ControllerCount ()
This returns the number of gamecontrollers found, from 0 to N controllers.
The plugin uses a custom typedef which is 'Controller'. Controller is self-explanatory, and has a couple of functions and attributes.
int ID
Returns the ID of the controller.
int ButtonCount
Returns the number of buttons on the controller.
int AxesCount
Returns the number of Axis on the controller.
Open (int ID);
Opens specified controller. (0-15)
A good practice to do is put this on room_load, or game_start
function game_start()
gamepad = Controller.Open(0);
void Close ();
Closes the controller, probably not really needed to be honest.
bool Plugged ();
Returns if the controller is currently plugged or not (true / false)
String GetName ();
This returns a string containing the name of the gamecontroller. Will return "" on error.
int GetAxis (int axis);
Returns axis by number -32768 to 32768
if (gamepad.GetAxis(0) < -200)
else if (gamepad.GetAxis(0) > 200)
int GetPOV();
Returns POV value. (0-8)
if (gamepad.GetPOV() == ePOVUp)
bool IsButtonDown (int button);
Returns true when the specified button is currently down. (0-31)
int i=0;
String app="";
while (i < gamepad.ButtonCount+2)
app = app.Append(String.Format("button %d is %d[",i, gamepad.IsButtonDown(i)));
//this will parse all the buttons' states and print them on the screen.
bool IsButtonDownOnce(int button);
Returns true when the specified button is currently down (single press). (0-31)
if (gamepad.IsButtonDownOnce(11))
//click on UI
void Rumble(int left,int right,int duration);
Rumbles the Controller for Duration (in loops). Left and right are motors. Values go from 0 to 65535
if (gamepad.IsButtonDownOnce(11))
gamepad.Rumble(65535, 65535, 40);
-Added two new functions
void BatteryStatus();
Returns the status of the controller battery. (-1 - 5) UNKNOWN = -1, LESS THAN 5% = 0, LESS THAN 20% = 1, LESS THAN 70% = 2, 100% = 3, WIRED = 4, MAX = 5
lblstatus.Text=String.Format("BATTERY STATUS: %d",gamepad.BatteryStatus());
int PressAnyKey();
Returns the first button the player hits on the controller, otherwise returns -1. (0-31)
while (gamepad.PressAnyKey()==-1)
player.Say("Button pressed is button %d",gamepad.PressAnyKey());