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  • setup beesd for deduplication
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Installation Guide

  1. initial install using USB with nixos installer

    • set password for target machine to be able to reach it whith SSH passwd
    • use nixos-anywhere to deploy nix run github:numtide/nixos-anywhere -- --flake '.#svr' nixos@target_server_ip
    • format disk with sudo nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode zap_create_mount ./hosts/svr/disko.nix --arg disks '[ "/dev/sda" ]'
    • clone repo -- sudo scp ../.sops/secrets/AGE_SECRET_KEY [email protected]:age.key -- nix-shell -p git -- git clone -- add age.key to secrets folder
  2. Disable Consul TLS encryption by commenting TLS block and rebuild

    • Because it needs agent certs from vault which needs to be configured using terranix which itself uses consul as its backend
    • sometimes rebuild fails because of vaul_initializer. don't worry just rebuild again and it will work
  3. install it sudo nixos-install --flake .#host

    • subsequent installs sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#
  4. unseal VAULT using sops keys

    • Vault is auto initialized by vaul_initializer
    • the keys are saved in /srv/vault/init.keys
    • create sops secrets out of them
    • unseal with:
      • nushell: for $x in 1..3 { cat $"../.sops/secrets/VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY_($x)" | xargs vault operator unseal }
    • be aware xargs do put its aguments into the process table
  5. login to VAULT:

    • cat ../.sops/secrets/VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN | xargs vault login
  6. Creat AppRole token for terranix

    • vault policy write terranix ./modules/hashi_stack/vault/policies/terranix.hcl
    • check if it's created: vault policy list, vault policy read terranix
    • vault auth enable approle
    • vault write auth/approle/role/terranix token_ttl=20m policies="default,terranix"
    • vault read auth/approle/role/terranix/role-id
    • save it in terranix default.nix vault.terraform_approle_id
    • Constrain role-id to only be usable by specefic machine so you don't need secret-id --- Constrained role-id > using secret-id --- vault write auth/approle/role/terranix bind_secret_id=false secret_id_bound_cidrs= change secret_id_bound_cidrs to the source address shown when running nix run .#apply but append /8 ---- most of the time this is enough from personal experience,, ---- it fails some time because source address changes --- otherwise vault write -f auth/approle/role/terranix/secret-id save it somewhre safe -- set or adjust policies with vault write auth/approle/role/terranix/policies policies="default,terranix,..."
    • Check if terranix approle is set correctly vault read auth/approle/role/terranix
  7. Creat AppRole token for Consul connect

    • vault policy write consul ./modules/hashi_stack/vault/policies/consul.hcl
    • check if it's created: vault policy list, vault policy read consul
    • vault write auth/approle/role/consul policies="consul"
    • vault read auth/approle/role/consul/role-id
    • save it as sops secret CONSUL_VAULT_ROLE_ID
    • vault write -f auth/approle/role/consul/secret-id save it somewhre safe
    • save it as sops secret CONSUL_VAULT_SECRET_ID
    • set or adjust policies with vault write auth/approle/role/consul/policies policies="default,consul,..."
    • Check if consul approle is set correctly vault read auth/approle/role/consul
  8. apply terranix config CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=<global_management_token> nix run .#apply --impure

  9. run consul reload for ACLs to take effect

  10. enable TLS. and rebuild

  11. run nix run .#apply to finish basic setup of consul and vault


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