The data in this repo has been trained on the neural network model developed in the CLAY lab Transductions repository using the following hyperparameters:
The negation data is trained on the following hyperparameters:
Encoder type: GRU
Decoder type: GRU
Attention: varies. See folder names
Learning Rate: 0.01
Hidden Layers: 1
Batch Size: 5
For more information on the data analysis in this repository, visit this this link
There are currently two experiments in this repository: 'negation' and 'noAdvp'.
Negation: train, val, and test data contains sentences with adverbial phrases before and after the main clause.
NoAdvp: train and val datasets contain pos->neg transformations without adverbial phrases before the main clause. Test dataset contains only transformations with at least one adverbial phrase before the main clause.
Each experiment has a number of subdirectories and files.
: this directory contains the necessary test dataset that was used to test the models -
: this directory contains all models trained and tested in this repo -
: the models are divided by types of attention used during training: location, multiplicative, and additive. the results directories include files related to the performance of each model -
files: these files contain tables that provide information on the performance of each model and the mean across the models.
Each model contains three files that detail their performance on various tasks.
contains all non-parseable sentences using the BottomUpLeftCornerChartParser
contains all positive to negative transformations in the test data
contains all postive to positive transformations in the test data
The following tasks are evaluated for each model:
Correct Transformation
: evaluates whether the model's transformation is exactly the same as the target transformation
: evaluates whether the sentence is parseable using the BottomUpLeftCornerChartParser
Preserves Identical Tree Structure
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence preserves the identical tree structure of the target sentence.
Preserves Significant Clauses (S, AdvP, RelP)
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence preserves the following significant clauses: sentence clauses, adverbial phrases, and relative clauses.
Negates Main Clause
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence negates the main clause
Has Main Clause
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence contains a main clause
Negates Outside of Main Clause
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence negates outside the main clause
Has Target Verb
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence has the verb that was negated in the target sentence
Negates Target Verb
: evaluates whether the predicted sentence negates the same verb that was negated in the target sentence
runs per each type of attention and will run through models 1-5. The program takes in the following three arguments:
Task Name
: the directory that will hold all information about the experiment
Attention Type
: the attention used for that particular model
: the directory that contains the experiment being run (i.e the directory that holds that task name argument)
Models are analyzed with the following commands:
python {task name} {attention-type} {directory}
The structure of this repo is designed for replication of results. Please use the configuration of these files when running the program.