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Added a few Mjj Control Region histograms and added the jet 3 central…
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cjohnson-phys committed May 22, 2014
1 parent 45979b2 commit 68f6b8a
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,151 additions and 104 deletions.
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions CMS_2013_I1272853/
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeadingParticlesFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/InvMassFinalState.hh"

namespace Rivet {

class CMS_2013_I1272853 : public Analysis {

/// Constructor
CMS_2013_I1272853() : Analysis("CMS_2013_I1272853") {}

/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {

addProjection(fs, "FS");

vector<pair<PdgId,PdgId> > vidsW;
vidsW.push_back(make_pair(PID::MUON, PID::NU_MUBAR));
vidsW.push_back(make_pair(PID::ANTIMUON, PID::NU_MU));

InvMassFinalState invfsW(fsW, vidsW, 20*GeV, 99999*GeV);
addProjection(invfsW, "INVFSW");

VetoedFinalState vfs(fs);
addProjection(vfs, "VFS");
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5), "Jets");

_h_deltaS_eq2jet_Norm = bookHisto1D(1,1,1);
_h_rel_deltaPt_eq2jet_Norm = bookHisto1D(2,1,1);


/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {

const double weight = event.weight();

const InvMassFinalState& invMassFinalStateW = applyProjection<InvMassFinalState>(event, "INVFSW");
bool isW(false);
isW = (!(invMassFinalStateW.empty()));

const ParticleVector& WDecayProducts = invMassFinalStateW.particles();
if (WDecayProducts.size() < 2) vetoEvent;

double pt1=-9999., pt2=-9999.;
double phi1=-9999., phi2=-9999.;
double eta1=-9999.;

double mt = -9999;

int iNU_MU=-9999, iAN_MU=-9999;

if (isW) {
iNU_MU = (fabs(WDecayProducts[1].pdgId()) == PID::NU_MU) ? 1 : 0;
iAN_MU = 1 - iNU_MU;
pt1 = WDecayProducts[iAN_MU].momentum().pT();
pt2 = WDecayProducts[iNU_MU].momentum().Et();
eta1 = WDecayProducts[iAN_MU].momentum().eta();
phi1 = WDecayProducts[iAN_MU].momentum().phi();
phi2 = WDecayProducts[iNU_MU].momentum().phi();
mt = sqrt(2.0*pt1*pt2*(1.0-cos(phi1-phi2)));

if (!isW || mt < 50. || pt1 < 35. || fabs(eta1) > 2.1 || pt2 < 30.) vetoEvent;

const FastJets& jetpro = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "Jets");
vector<FourMomentum> jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet, jetpro.jetsByPt(20)) {
if (fabs(jet.momentum().rapidity()) < 2.0) {

if (jets.size() != 2) vetoEvent;

double mupx = pt1*cos(phi1);
double mupy = pt1*sin(phi1);
double met_x = pt2*cos(phi2);
double met_y = pt2*sin(phi2);

double dpt = ((jets[0].px() + jets[1].px())*(jets[0].px() + jets[1].px()) + \
(jets[0].py() + jets[1].py())*(jets[0].py() + jets[1].py()));
double rel_dpt = sqrt(dpt)/ (jets[0].pT() + jets[1].pT());

double pT2 = (mupx + met_x) * (mupx + met_x) + \
(mupy + met_y) * (mupy + met_y);
double Px = (mupx + met_x)*(jets[0].px() + jets[1].px());
double Py = (mupy + met_y)*(jets[0].py() + jets[1].py());
double p1p2_mag = sqrt(dpt) * sqrt(pT2);
double dS = acos((Px+Py) / p1p2_mag);



/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {

double rel_dpt_bw = 1.0002 / 30.0;
double dphi_bw = 3.14160 / 30.0;

normalize(_h_rel_deltaPt_eq2jet_Norm, 1.*rel_dpt_bw);
normalize(_h_deltaS_eq2jet_Norm, 1.*dphi_bw);



Histo1DPtr _h_rel_deltaPt_eq2jet_Norm;
Histo1DPtr _h_deltaS_eq2jet_Norm;


// The hook for the plugin system

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions CMS_2013_I1272853/
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Name: CMS_2013_I1272853
Year: 2013
Summary: Study of observables sensitive to double parton scattering in W + 2 jets process in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Experiment: CMS
Collider: LHC
SpiresID: 1272853
- Sunil Bansal ([email protected])
- CMS-FSQ-12-028
- CERN-PH-EP-2013-224
- arXiv:1312.5729
- Submitted to JHEP
RunInfo: Only muonic decay of W boson
Beams: [p+, p+]
Energies: [7000]
NeedCrossSection: yes
PtCuts: muon with pT > 35 GeV, jets with pT > 20 GeV
Double parton scattering is investigated in proton-proton collisions
at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV where the final state includes a W boson, which
decays into a muon and a neutrino, and two jets. The data sample
corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5 inverse femtobarns,
collected with the CMS detector at the LHC.
BibKey: Chatrchyan:2013xxa
BibTeX: '@article{Chatrchyan:2013xxa,
author = "Chatrchyan, Serguei and others",
title = "{Study of double parton scattering using W + 2-jet events
in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV}",
collaboration = " CMS Collaboration",
year = "2013",
eprint = "1312.5729",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ex",
reportNumber = "CMS-FSQ-12-028, CERN-PH-EP-2013-224",
SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1312.5729;%%",
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions CMS_2013_I1272853/CMS_2013_I1272853.plot
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# BEGIN PLOT /CMS_2013_I1272853/d01-x01-y01
Title=CMS, $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV, W + 2-jet
XLabel=$\Delta S$
YLabel=$\frac{1}{N_{evt}}\frac{d N_{evt}}{d\Delta S}$
# BEGIN PLOT /CMS_2013_I1272853/d02-x01-y01
Title=CMS, $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV, W + 2-jet
XLabel=$\Delta^{rel} p_{T}$
YLabel=$\frac{1}{N_{evt}}\frac{d N_{evt}}{d\Delta^{rel} p_{T}}$
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions CMS_2013_I1272853/CMS_2013_I1272853.yoda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/CMS_2013_I1272853/d02-x01-y01
# xval xerr- xerr+ yval yerr- yerr+
1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 5.061823e-03 2.587698e-04 2.587698e-04
5.001000e-02 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 1.511144e-02 6.464890e-04 6.464890e-04
8.335000e-02 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.275919e-02 9.272287e-04 9.272287e-04
1.166900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.885854e-02 1.153291e-03 1.153291e-03
1.500300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.231231e-02 1.277230e-03 1.277230e-03
1.833700e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.600648e-02 1.415344e-03 1.415344e-03
2.167100e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.698732e-02 1.446587e-03 1.446587e-03
2.500500e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.761503e-02 1.465750e-03 1.465750e-03
2.833900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.748449e-02 1.461492e-03 1.461492e-03
3.167300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.630131e-02 1.413382e-03 1.413382e-03
3.500700e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.610564e-02 1.408441e-03 1.408441e-03
3.834100e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.692127e-02 1.439234e-03 1.439234e-03
4.167500e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.535289e-02 1.379292e-03 1.379292e-03
4.500900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.365576e-02 1.311072e-03 1.311072e-03
4.834300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.136026e-02 1.228795e-03 1.228795e-03
5.167700e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.139777e-02 1.230798e-03 1.230798e-03
5.501100e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.089773e-02 1.207186e-03 1.207186e-03
5.834500e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.950843e-02 1.155066e-03 1.155066e-03
6.167900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.894444e-02 1.139964e-03 1.139964e-03
6.501300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.781880e-02 1.094232e-03 1.094232e-03
6.834700e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.783594e-02 1.100983e-03 1.100983e-03
7.168100e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.521675e-02 1.000358e-03 1.000358e-03
7.501500e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.668372e-02 1.054934e-03 1.054934e-03
7.834900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.596026e-02 1.026293e-03 1.026293e-03
8.168300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.694980e-02 1.061151e-03 1.061151e-03
8.501700e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 2.690392e-02 1.055083e-03 1.055083e-03
8.835100e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.312958e-02 1.288932e-03 1.288932e-03
9.168500e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 3.922766e-02 1.514574e-03 1.514574e-03
9.501900e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 5.779029e-02 2.203262e-03 2.203262e-03
9.835300e-01 1.667000e-02 1.667000e-02 9.984114e-02 3.758593e-03 3.758593e-03

# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/CMS_2013_I1272853/d01-x01-y01
# xval xerr- xerr+ yval yerr- yerr+
5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.318401e-03 4.940921e-04 4.940921e-04
1.570800e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.044521e-03 4.702615e-04 4.702615e-04
2.618000e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.052056e-03 4.815458e-04 4.815458e-04
3.665200e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.061536e-03 4.711088e-04 4.711088e-04
4.712400e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 5.677321e-03 4.410752e-04 4.410752e-04
5.759600e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.680240e-03 5.190259e-04 5.190259e-04
6.806800e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.253674e-03 4.813393e-04 4.813393e-04
7.854000e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.186024e-03 4.871255e-04 4.871255e-04
8.901200e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.670339e-03 5.127034e-04 5.127034e-04
9.948400e-01 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 6.949984e-03 5.331071e-04 5.331071e-04
1.099560e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 7.526318e-03 5.741024e-04 5.741024e-04
1.204280e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 7.647716e-03 5.820735e-04 5.820735e-04
1.309000e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 8.322875e-03 6.354201e-04 6.354201e-04
1.413720e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 9.394011e-03 7.111641e-04 7.111641e-04
1.518440e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 9.926875e-03 7.459676e-04 7.459676e-04
1.623160e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.054438e-02 7.951113e-04 7.951113e-04
1.727880e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.148175e-02 8.566088e-04 8.566088e-04
1.832600e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.312319e-02 9.756709e-04 9.756709e-04
1.937320e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.505776e-02 1.116292e-03 1.116292e-03
2.042040e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.790535e-02 1.321240e-03 1.321240e-03
2.146760e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.999345e-02 1.471774e-03 1.471774e-03
2.251480e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 2.447552e-02 1.796192e-03 1.796192e-03
2.356200e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 2.952280e-02 2.157304e-03 2.157304e-03
2.460920e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 3.619818e-02 2.636775e-03 2.636775e-03
2.565640e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 4.545821e-02 3.306780e-03 3.306780e-03
2.670360e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 5.728683e-02 4.155619e-03 4.155619e-03
2.775080e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 7.994622e-02 5.789565e-03 5.789565e-03
2.879800e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.113635e-01 8.051353e-03 8.051353e-03
2.984520e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 1.649824e-01 1.191645e-02 1.191645e-02
3.089240e+00 5.236000e-02 5.236000e-02 2.569486e-01 1.854677e-02 1.854677e-02


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