This application allows users to create and share recipes among other users. User interactions are encouraged through comments and likes. Built application end-to-end with Python Django framework, including search function, login and registration with validations.
Login and Registration page
Dashboard. Users are able to save their favorite recipes; recipes created by a user are automatically added to their saved list. Recipes can be edited or deleted only if they were submitted by the current user. Notice that 'Chicken' is entered into the search bar.
The search returned two recipes that contained 'Chicken' in the title. Notice also that the footer containing my contact information is included in the screenshot.
Here is the information page for a particular recipe. Users can like or leave a comment on their favorite recipes.
Example comments.
Here is the page where users can create and add recipes to the database.
If a user wants to edit a recipe, the edit page is pre-populated with the current information on the recipe.