Releases: cisagov/
Releases · cisagov/
What's Changed
- #3579: Update public contact defaults - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3632
- #3212: feb questions part 2 - [MS] by @Matt-Spence in #3642
- #3549 - Pipfile + requirements.txt update to resolve dependabot tickets - [MEOWARD] by @zandercymatics in #3683
- [BUGFIX] #3686: Add "name" to public contact disclose - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3696
Full Changelog: staging-155...staging-156
What's Changed
- Quick fix: Action Needed Emails to get correct URL - [GD] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3638
- #3635 / #3657: Wrong error for "add member" and bug-fix for insensitive email checks - [HOTGOV] by @zandercymatics in #3643
- #3576: Phantom Domain Request - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3636
- #3169: Document the processes for doing USWDS updates by @rachidatecs in #3619
- #3601: OMB analyst [MIGRATIONS] [DK] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3617
- #3530, #3531: Email notifications [MEOWARD] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3671
Full Changelog: v1.107.0...v1.108.0
What's Changed
- Update issue ticket template with link to design work considerations by @witha-k in #3641
- 2832: Email portfolio managers when organization info updated [es] by @erinysong in #3627
Full Changelog: staging-154...staging-155
What's Changed
- Quick fix: Action Needed Emails to get correct URL - [GD] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3638
- #3635 / #3657: Wrong error for "add member" and bug-fix for insensitive email checks - [HOTGOV] by @zandercymatics in #3643
- #3576: Phantom Domain Request - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3636
- #3169: Document the processes for doing USWDS updates by @rachidatecs in #3619
- #3601: OMB analyst [MIGRATIONS] [DK] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3617
- #3530, #3531: Email notifications [MEOWARD] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3671
Full Changelog: staging-153...staging-154
What's Changed
- #3548: Fix portfolio permissions on resources - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3613
- #3212: FEB Domain Request Questions - [MS] by @Matt-Spence in #3605
- 3397: Domain page content changes [es] by @erinysong in #3616
Full Changelog: v1.106.0...v1.107.0
What's Changed
- #3548: Fix portfolio permissions on resources - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3613
- #3212: FEB Domain Request Questions - [MS] by @Matt-Spence in #3605
- 3397: Domain page content changes [es] by @erinysong in #3616
Full Changelog: staging-152...staging-153
What's Changed
- Fixtures quickfix [local testing] by @erinysong in #3607
- #3528: Fix error handling on new member form - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3606
- #3256: Nameservers page redesign [AD] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3569
- #2855 - Update search bar with visible label for org and non-org [-NL] by @CocoByte in #3560
- #3181 - dynamic labels for investigator and senior official [-Bob] by @CocoByte in #3577
- #3608: Making State to be required in Domain Request form - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3610
Full Changelog: v1.105.0...v1.106.0
What's Changed
- Fixtures quickfix [local testing] by @erinysong in #3607
- #3528: Fix error handling on new member form - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3606
- #3256: Nameservers page redesign [AD] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3569
- #2855 - Update search bar with visible label for org and non-org [-NL] by @CocoByte in #3560
- #3181 - dynamic labels for investigator and senior official [-Bob] by @CocoByte in #3577
- #3608: Making State to be required in Domain Request form - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3610
Full Changelog: staging-151...staging-152
What's Changed
- #1612: Accessibility improvement - domain request modal gets read out twice - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3574
- #1300 - Accessibility improvement on "Start a new domain request" button [-KY] by @CocoByte in #3594
- #3140 - Maintain focus after filter selection [-NL] by @CocoByte in #3533
- #3584 / #3591 - Ensure unique and descriptive names for buttons and ensure errors have accessible names - [litterbox] by @zandercymatics in #3603
- 3464: Update domain requests fixtures to cumulatively create objects by @erinysong in #3593
- #3282 - Design Review - workflow for managing permissions in Django admin [EL] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3544
Full Changelog: v1.104.0...v1.105.0