This repository contains the code for the course CS164 Optimization Methods at Minerva University (Fall 2024), and some utilities for the course. Code is written in Python and SageMath (optionally).
Notes: I'm still taking the course, so some of the code may be incorrect, incomplete, not optimized, or not working. I'll update the code as I progress through the course.
The course is taught by Prof John Levitt and roughly follows the textbook Kochenderfer, M. J., & Wheeler, T. A. (2019). Algorithms for optimization, with several class problems drawn from Boyd and Vandenberghe (2018) Convex optimization. The class meets twice a week for 90 minutes each session in a seminar/flipped classroom format, for a total of 25 sessions.
Session 1: Introduction to optimization
Session 2: Taylor series and numerical approximation
Session 3: Quadratic forms
Session 4: Tests for positive definiteness
Session 5: Bracketing methods
Session 6: Introduction to descent (& line search)
Session 7: Gradient descent
Session 8: Conjugate gradient
Session 9: Momentum and noisy gradient descent
Session 10: Newton's method
Session 11: Unconstrained optimization review
Session 12: Equality constraints with Lagrange multipliers
Session 13: Convexity
Session 14: KKT conditions
Session 15: Interpreting the KKT conditions
Session 16: Linear programming
Session 17: Duality
Session 18: Integer programming: branch and bound
Session 19: Mixed integer programming
Session 20: Quadratic programming
Session 21: LMIs
Session 22: Semindefinite programming
Session 23: Newton's method for linear equality constraints
Session 24: Barrier methods
Session 25: Review
Run the following command in terminal to create the .venv
virtual environment with the required packages:
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
uv install
For Sage setup, refer to this
- TODO: Remove SageMath dependency
jupytext --to notebook "markdown"
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files