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Releases: charmbracelet/lipgloss


13 Mar 15:12
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Tables, Improved

In this release, the inimitable @andreynering and @bashbunni majorly overhauled on the table sizing and content wrapping algorithms. Tables will now be much smarter on deciding the ideal width of each column, and contents now wraps by default inside cells.

// Table content wraps by default.
t := table.New().

// Actually, let's not wrap the content.
t := table.New().


New Border Styles

Also, we added two new border styles that you can use to generate tables in Markdown and ASCII styles.

Markdown Tables

To render tables correctly for Markdown you'll want to use lipgloss.MarkdownBorder and disable the top and bottom borders.

t := table.New().


ASCII Tables

To render an ASCII-style table use lipgloss.ASCIIBorder.

t := table.New().


Thanks everyone

Special thanks to @aymanbagabas, @bashbunni, @andreynering, and @caarlos0 for or all the work on this release!


New Features

Bug fixes

Other work

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


12 Nov 22:00
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v2.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

Do you think you can handle Lip Gloss v2?

We’re really excited for you to try Lip Gloss v2! Keep in mind that this is an early alpha release and things may change.


We take API changes seriously and strive to make the upgrade process as simple as possible. We believe the changes bring necessary improvements as well as pave the way for the future. If something feels way off, let us know.

The big changes are that Styles are now deterministic (Ξ»ipgloss!) and you can be much more intentional with your inputs and outputs. Why does this matter?

Playing nicely with others

v2 gives you precise control over I/O. One of the issues we saw with the Lip Gloss and Bubble Tea v1s is that they could fight over the same inputs and outputs, producing lock-ups. The v2s now operate in lockstep.

Querying the right inputs and outputs

In v1, Lip Gloss defaulted to looking at stdin and stdout when downsampling colors and querying for the background color. This was not always necessarily what you wanted. For example, if your application was writing to stderr while redirecting stdout to a file, the program would erroneously think output was not a TTY and strip colors. Lip Gloss v2 gives you control and intentionality over this.

Going beyond localhost

Did you know TUIs and CLIs can be served over the network? For example, Wish allows you to serve Bubble Tea and Lip Gloss over SSH. In these cases, you need to work with the input and output of the connected clients as opposed to stdin and stdout, which belong to the server. Lip Gloss v2 gives you flexibility around this in a more natural way.

πŸ§‹ Using Lip Gloss with Bubble Tea?

Make sure you get all the latest v2s as they’ve been designed to work together.

go get[email protected]
go get[email protected]
go get[email protected]

πŸ‡ Quick upgrade

If you don't have time for changes and just want to upgrade to Lip Gloss v2 as fast as possible, do the following:

Use the compat package

The compat package provides adaptive colors, complete colors, and complete adaptive colors:

import ""

// Before
color := lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "#f1f1f1", Dark: "#cccccc"}

// After
color := compat.AdaptiveColor{Light: "#f1f1f1", Dark: "#cccccc"}

compat works by looking at stdin and stdout on a global basis. Want to change the inputs and outputs? Knock yourself out:

import (

func init() {
	// Let’s use stderr instead of stdout.
	compat.HasDarkBackground = lipgloss.HasDarkBackground(os.Stdin, os.Stderr)
	compat.Profile = colorprofile.Detect(os.Stderr, os.Environ())

Use the new Lip Gloss writer

If you’re using Bubble Tea with Lip Gloss you can skip this step. If you're using Lip Gloss in a standalone fashion, use lipgloss.Println (and lipgloss.Printf and so on) when printing your output:

s := someStyle.Render("Fancy Lip Gloss Output")

// Before

// After

That’s it!

All this said, we encourage you to read on to get the full benefit of v2.

πŸ‘€ What’s changing?

Only a couple main things that are changing in Lip Gloss v2:

  • Color downsampling in non-Bubble-Tea uses cases is now a manual proccess (don't worry, it's easy)
  • Background color detection and adaptive colors are manual, and intentional (but optional)

πŸͺ„ Downsampling colors with a writer

One of the best things about Lip Gloss is that it can automatically downsample colors to the best available profile, stripping colors (and ANSI) entirely when output is not a TTY.

If you're using Lip Gloss with Bubble Tea there's nothing to do here: downsampling is built into Bubble Tea v2. If you're not using Bubble Tea you now need to use a writer to downsample colors. Lip Gloss writers are a drop-in replacement for the usual functions found in the fmt package:

s := someStyle.Render("Hello!")

// Downsample and print to stdout.

// Render to a variable.
downsampled := lipgloss.Sprint(s)

// Print to stderr.
lipgloss.Fprint(os.Stderr, s)

πŸŒ› Background color detection and adaptive colors

Rendering different colors depending on whether the terminal has a light or dark background is an awesome power. Lip Gloss v2 gives you more control over this progress. This especially matters when input and output are not stdin and stdout.

If that doesn’t matter to you and you're only working with stdout you skip this via compat above, though encourage you to explore this new functionality.

With Bubble Tea

In Bubble Tea, request the background color, listen for a BackgroundColorMsg in your update, and respond accordingly.

// Query for the background color.
func (m model) Init() (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	return m, tea.RequestBackgroundColor

// Listen for the response and initialize your styles accordigly.
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case tea.BackgroundColorMsg:
		// Initialize your styles now that you know the background color.
		m.styles = newStyles(msg.IsDark())
		return m, nil

type styles {
    myHotStyle lipgloss.Style

func newStyles(bgIsDark bool) (s styles) {
	lightDark := lipgloss.LightDark(bgIsDark) // just a helper function
	return styles{
		myHotStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lightDark("#f1f1f1", "#333333"))


If you're not using Bubble Tea you simply can perform the query manually:

// Detect the background color. Notice we're writing to stderr.
hasDarkBG, err := lipgloss.HasDarkBackground(os.Stdin, os.Stderr)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Oof:", err)

// Create a helper for choosing the appropriate color.
lightDark := lipgloss.LightDark(hasDarkBG)

// Declare some colors.
thisColor := lightDark("#C5ADF9", "#864EFF")
thatColor := lightDark("#37CD96", "#22C78A")

// Render some styles.
a := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(thisColor).Render("this")
b := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(thatColor).Render("that")

// Print to stderr.
lipgloss.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "my fave colors are %s and %s...for now.", a, b)

πŸ₯• Other stuff

Colors are now color.Color

lipgloss.Color() now produces an idomatic color.Color, whereas before colors were type lipgloss.TerminalColor. Generally speaking, this is more of an implementation detail, but it’s worth noting the structural differences.

// Before
type TerminalColor interface{/* ... */}
type Color string

// After
func Color(any) color.Color
type ANSIColor uint
type RGBColor struct { R, G, B uint8 }

Quotes are now optional in colors

There are also some quality-of-life niceties around color UX:

a := lipgloss.Color("#f1f1f1") // This still works
b := lipgloss.Color(0xf1f1f1)  // But this also works

c := lipgloss.Color("212") // You can still do this
d := lipgloss.Color(212)   // But you can also do this too


Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0-alpha.2

🌈 Feedback

That's a wrap! Feel free to reach out, ask questions, and let us know how it's going. We'd love to know what you think.

Part of Charm.

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31 Oct 14:10
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At last: v1.0.0

This is an honorary release indicating that Lip Gloss is now stable. Thank you, open source community, for all your love, support, contributions, and great style.

Stay tuned for a v2 alpha!


22 Oct 20:24
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Table improvements, on stream

@bashbunni went to town in this release and fixed a bunch of bugs, mostly around table. Best of all, she did most of it on stream.



Other Stuff

  • fix(render): strip carriage returns from strings by @bashbunni in #386


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


20 Aug 23:07
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Woodn’t you know, Lip Gloss has trees!

Lip Gloss ships with a tree rendering sub-package.

import ""

Define a new tree.

t := tree.Root(".").
    Child("A", "B", "C")

Print the tree.


// .
// β”œβ”€β”€ A
// β”œβ”€β”€ B
// └── C

Trees have the ability to nest.

t := tree.Root(".").
            Child("Arch Linux (btw)").
            Child("Void Linux"),

Print the tree.


Tree Example (simple)

Trees can be customized via their enumeration function as well as using

enumeratorStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("63")).MarginRight(1)
rootStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("35"))
itemStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("212"))

t := tree.
    Root("⁜ Makeup").
        "Fenty Beauty",
            "Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer",
            "Hot Cheeks Velour Blushlighter",

Print the tree.

Tree Example (makeup)

The predefined enumerators for trees are DefaultEnumerator and RoundedEnumerator.

If you need, you can also build trees incrementally:

t := tree.New()

for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
    t.Child("Lip Gloss")

There’s more where that came from

See all the tree examples.


New Features

Bug fixes

Documentation updates

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


12 Jul 16:17
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Border width calcs: back to normal

This release fixes a regression with regard to border calculations introduced in Lip Gloss v0.11.1.

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


11 Jul 21:34
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Lists, Check βœ“

This release adds a new sub-package for rendering trees and lists.

import ""

Define a new list.

l := list.New("A", "B", "C")

Print the list.


// β€’ A
// β€’ B
// β€’ C

Lists have the ability to nest.

l := list.New(
  "A", list.New("Artichoke"),
  "B", list.New("Baking Flour", "Bananas", "Barley", "Bean Sprouts"),
  "C", list.New("Cashew Apple", "Cashews", "Coconut Milk", "Curry Paste", "Currywurst"),
  "D", list.New("Dill", "Dragonfruit", "Dried Shrimp"),
  "E", list.New("Eggs"),
  "F", list.New("Fish Cake", "Furikake"),
  "J", list.New("Jicama"),
  "K", list.New("Kohlrabi"),
  "L", list.New("Leeks", "Lentils", "Licorice Root"),

Print the list.



Lists can be customized via their enumeration function as well as using

enumeratorStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("99")).MarginRight(1)
itemStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("212")).MarginRight(1)

l := list.New(
  "Claire’s Boutique",

Print the list.

List example

In addition to the predefined enumerators (Arabic, Alphabet, Roman, Bullet, Tree),
you may also define your own custom enumerator:

l := list.New("Duck", "Duck", "Duck", "Duck", "Goose", "Duck", "Duck")

func DuckDuckGooseEnumerator(l list.Items, i int) string {
    if l.At(i).Value() == "Goose" {
        return "Honk β†’"
    return ""

l = l.Enumerator(DuckDuckGooseEnumerator)

Print the list:


If you need, you can also build lists incrementally:

l := list.New()

for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
    l.Item("Lip Gloss")

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


10 Jul 14:10
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A lil’ truncation fix

This release is a small patch release to fix text truncation in table cells. For details see: #324.

Other stuff

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.


23 May 18:57
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Immutable Styles and Raw Speed, Baby

So! The big news in this release is:

  • Style methods will now always return new styles
  • Style and ANSI operations under the hood are faster

There are also a handful of great lil' bug fixes. Read on for more.

Immutable Styles

Every Style method now returns a completely new style with its own underlying data structure no matter what. This means working with Styles is a lot easier. No more need for Copy()!

// Before
s := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
newStyle := s.Copy()

// After
s := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
newStyle := s // this is a true copy

Okay, but why are styles easier to work with now? Consider this:

// Before
baseStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Background(lipgloss.Color("59"))
styleAtRuntime := baseStyle.Copy().Width(m.Width)

// After
baseStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(1, 2)
styleAtRuntime := baseStyle.Width(m.Width)

It might seem small, but eliminating the risk of mutations in persistent styles in an enormous usability improvement.

How to upgrade

There's nothing to do, however Style.Copy() is now deprecated and only returns itself, so you can just remove Style.Copy() calls. If you need to just copy a style without any changes to it you can simply b := a.

Faster ANSI

Sometimes watch companies brag about their "in-house" watch movement. Well, now we're bragging about our in-house-amazing x/ansi library by our own @aymanbagabas. It's a fine-tuned, low-level way to manage ANSI sequencing and, because we're pretty nerdy, we’re super excited about it.

What's Changed




  • fix combining both conditional and unconditional wrapping by @aymanbagabas in #275
  • fix UnderlineSpaces and StrikethroughSpaces by @Taz03 in #299
  • always render horizontal border edges when enabled by @UnseenBook in #211
  • fix possible nil panic by @maaslalani in #245
  • fix transform operating on ANSI sequences by @meowgorithm in #274
  • change propkeys from int to int64 by @hugoleodev in #291

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.


05 Mar 15:57
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String Transforms πŸ’„

Lip Gloss v0.10.0 features a brand new Transform function for Styles to alter strings at render time. As well as some bug fixes, like ANSI-aware table cell truncation. 🧹

Simply define a Transform function as func (string) string and apply it to any style:

// Example:
s := NewStyle().Transform(strings.ToUpper)
fmt.Println(s.Render("raow!") // "RAOW!"

Or, if you prefer:

// Example:
reverse := func(s string) string {
    n := 0
    rune := make([]rune, len(s))
    for _, r := range s {
        rune[n] = r
    rune = rune[0:n]
    for i := 0; i < n/2; i++ {
        rune[i], rune[n-1-i] = rune[n-1-i], rune[i]
    return string(rune)

s := NewStyle().Transform(reverse)
fmt.Println(s.Render("The quick brown 狐 jumped over the lazy 犬")
// "犬 yzal eht revo depmuj 狐 nworb kciuq ehT",

What's Changed?

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.