The home for ideas and exploration. Mainly documentation, videos and discussion.
- Background
- Evaluating
- The Secret Lives of Java Apps: Stories Told at Runtime
- delivered @ Seattle Java Users Group (May 21, 2024)
files -
Container images on Docker Hub
- CF API endpoint and admin credentials to a Cloud Foundry foundation (e.g., Tanzu Application Service)
- Operations Manager admin credentials
- VMware Tanzu Network API token
You'll need to author two configuration files named{foundation}.json
and place them in the /tmp/config
directory. Crib from the samples in footprints/tas/config.
- Install
- Uninstall
- Expose curated set of Spring Boot Actuator endpoints
- Set Java artifacts fetch mode on a cf-butler instance
- Update Spring Cloud Config Server instance mirror backing cf-hoover instance
- Switch backend to MySQL
You'll need to author two configuration files named butler.env
and archivist.env
underneath footprints/local/docker/config. Crib from the *.sample
This is not an exhaustive list. Refer to respective service documentation for more details.
- Trigger fresh collection on
- on TAS:
http POST {cf-butler-route}/collect
- w/ Docker Compose:
http POST :8080/collect
- on TAS:
- Trigger cache refresh on
- on TAS:
http POST {cf-hoover-ui-route}/cache/refresh
- w/ Docker Compose:
http POST :8083/cache/refresh
- on TAS:
- Trigger cache refresh on
- on TAS:
http POST {cf-archivist-route}/cache/refresh
- w/ Docker Compose:
http POST :8081:/cache/refresh
- on TAS: