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Install Apache & PHP:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php

Put the "ceu-site" directory under the server root tree:

$ cd /var/www/html/
$ ln -s <...>/ceu-site/ ceu     # should be writeable by the server user

Create "tmp" directory and put "timeout" under "ceu-site":

$ cd <...>/ceu-site
$ mkdir tmp/                    # should be writeable by the server user
$ ln -s /usr/bin/timeout


Serves as a landing page featuring a major call to action to the online interative tutorial for the language (refer to Try.php section of this document, in order to find out more information about it).

This page also gives a brief explanation of the language, sided with a small piece of code that highlights major features of Céu.

Bootstrap 4 was used to make the layout of the page.


The online interactive tutorial.

There is a simple header used to inform the user he is using the online IDE.

The footer presents links where the user can find further information about the language, such as instructions on how to download and use a virtual machine.

The body of the page, features four sections:

  • Lesson panel: displays information relevant to the lesson the user is currently doing. The text makes use of Bootstrap styles to highlight interesting elements being presented. Commands are surrounded by the code tag; importante concepts are highlighted with label classes.
  • Results panel: displays the results of the code compilation and execution.
  • Code panel: where the user should enter Céu source code
  • Input panel: if necessary, where input can be given to the program.


Some javascript is executed on the page itself, upon DOM initialization. Helper functions are present in the try.js file. Further explanation regarding the code can be found in the source files.


The file which receives, compiles and executes Céu code. It expects to receive the following data:

  • samples: the id for the current lesson
  • go: Run! (it checks if this attribute is set)
  • mode: used to specify if the code should be executed, which happens when it is set to run. Otherwise, the code will only be compiled.
  • dfa: if set, a static analysis will be performed on the file
  • input: input for the program


Some pages, such as manuals.html and tutorials.html, are generated using pandoc 2.3.1, a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

To update the content of a page NAME.html, first download pandoc 2.3 (download link).

Then, edit the corresponding markdown file located at md folder.

pandoc -s -o NAME.html --template=template.html md/

The index.html is generated use the following command:

pandoc -s -o index.html md/ metadata.yaml --template=template.html --syntax-definition=ceu-syntax/ceu.xml --highlight-style ceu-syntax/my.theme

The metadata.yaml is necessary to include the gray top section of the site. The syntax-definition and highlight-style, by the other hand, are necessary to highlight Céu code. The highlight do not cover the whole Céu syntax, but is useful to prevent use of the HTML tag bold to highlight code.