Python object mapper.
- Can map both ways
- Automatically maps matching attributes
- Allows to define custom mappings or override default ones
- Allows to suppress automatic mapping for specific attributes
- Allows to provide custom functions for attributes initialization
- Supports nested mappers which are used automatically when attribute of specific type found
pip install MapperPy
from mapperpy import ObjectMapper
Creating mapper from class:
mapper = ObjectMapper.from_class(ClassA, ClassB)
Note that automatic attribute mapping won't work if class(es) can't be instantiated with default no-arg constructor. Class instance is required to determine instance attributes' names.
To overcome this create mapper from prototype, i.e.:
mapper = ObjectMapper.from_prototype(ClassA("proto"), ClassB(None, None))
Prototypes are stored and then used during mapping to determine instance attributes' names.
Simply invoke:
instance_b =
instance_a =
Mapper determines type of the instance automatically and maps it other type.
Custom mappings (custom_mappings()):
mapper = mapper.custom_mappings({"some_property": "mapped_property", "my_property": "other_property"})
Suppress automatic mapping:
mapper = mapper.custom_mappings({"some_property": None})
Custom attribute initialization using function:
mapper = mapper.left_initializers({ "some_property": lambda obj: obj.mapped_property + obj.mapped_property_02, "unmapped_property1": lambda obj: "prefix_{}".format(obj.unmapped_property2)})
Those functions will be used during initialization of ClassA (on the "left" side). Similarly right_initializers can be used to define initializers of ClassB (on the "right" side).
Custom value conversion using function:
mapper = mapper.value_converters({ "some_property": (lambda val: json.dumps(val), lambda val: json.loads(val))})
Those functions will be used during attribute mapping to convert attribute value. First function is used when mapping from "left" to "right" and second function is used in the opposite direction. When setting value_converters it's enough to provide only "left" attribute name, "right" attribute name is derived automatically. This also means that value_converters should be used after custom_mappings so attributes' names can be derived.
In case of more complex object structure you can use nested mappers.
Let's say you want to map an object which contains another object which you also want to map automatically. You can define nested mapper and then attach it to root mapper:
nested_mapper = ObjectMapper.from_class(NestedClassA, NestedClassB) mapper = ObjectMapper.from_class(ClassA, ClassB).nested_mapper(nested_mapper)
If you want to determine mapped name of an attribute you can invoke:
mapped_name = mapper.map_attr_name("some_property")
For example for mapper:
mapper = mapper.custom_mappings({"some_property": "mapped_property", "my_property": "other_property"})
result of:
will be: