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meico v0.8.0

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@axelberndt axelberndt released this 06 Apr 13:25
· 110 commits to master since this release

All who used meico as an application so far, should from now on use file meicoApp.jar!

  • Reorganization of the meico programming library and application code as well as its release assets.
    • Meico is basically a programming library. All content of package is example code for meico's usage in application projects. However, for the graphical meico application certain JavaFX dependencies had to be added to meico which complicated development for other applications that do not rely on JavaFX. Thus, we decided to split the meico code base into the core functionality and the example applications.
    • The release assets include
      • meico.jar (the headless core functionality to be used by other development projects) and
      • meicoApp.jar (the standalone runnable jar with the commandline and graphical application, it includes meico.jar).
    • The code base has been reorganized accordingly.
      • The master branch contains the headless meico, no application code or application-related dependencies. This is all you need to develop your own meico application.
      • The meicoApp branch contains the package and all other demo applications (meicoPy and the REST demo).
    • Class meico.Meico has been stripped down. It no longer contains any launcher code, only meico's current version number. MeicoApp launches from its own main class
    • Class meico.supplementary.VerovioProvider as been removed. Verovio cannot be part of the headless meico base. It works only with a browser environment and that is only present in meicoApp (which still contains Verovio).
    • File has been updated. Licenses are also a bit different for those who use the headless meico package as JavaFX, Verovio and Font Awesome are used only in meicoApp and not in the base package.