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Remember-me feature #130

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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -11,5 +11,13 @@ pom.xml*

23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions project.clj
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[org.mindrot/jbcrypt "0.3m"]

;; http-basic
[commons-codec "1.6"]
[commons-codec/commons-codec "1.9"]

;; openid
[org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.2"]
Expand All @@ -22,20 +22,27 @@
[ "2.0"]
[net.sourceforge.nekohtml/nekohtml "1.9.10"]
; need different httpclient rev for
[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient "4.2.1"]]

[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient "4.3.5"]

:plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.12"]]
:ring {:handler test-friend.mock-app/mock-app :port 8080}
:deploy-repositories {"releases" {:url "" :creds :gpg}
"snapshots" {:url "" :creds :gpg}}

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.1"]

:profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev" "src" "test"]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.7"]
[org.clojure/java.classpath "0.2.2"]
[ring-mock "0.1.1"]
[aprint "0.1.3-SNAPSHOT"]
[compojure "1.1.5"]
[ring "1.2.0"]
[robert/hooke "1.3.0"]
[clj-http "0.3.6"]]}
[clj-http "1.0.0"]
[expectations "2.0.9"]]}
:sanity-check {:aot :all
:warn-on-reflection true
:compile-path "target/sanity-check-aot"}
:1.5 [:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]]}]}
:compile-path "target/sanity-check-aot"}}
:aliases {"all" ["with-profile" "1.5:dev"]
"sanity-check" ["do" "clean," "with-profile" "sanity-check" "compile"]})

Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Remember-me token with [Clojure friend](

## Reminder about remember-me cookie
[The best way to implement a remember-me feature](

In short, given the login id and the hashed password, the remember-me library issue a token with an expiration and salt in it.

[Token should not be stored as-is](, as a database leak would means a way for attacker to log in the accounts. The hash use a SHA3 digest ([because SHA1 should not be used anymore](

The persistence functions are defined through a protocol and a Datomic implementation is provided, you can also implement you own and inject it when using the functionality.

## Friend implementation

### Issuing a remember-me Cookie at login

* The `interactive-form` workflow retrieve the remember-me form parameters.
* The workflow function verifies the supplied credentials (username/password) with the `bcrypt-credential-fn` (through the login config),
* if the form parameters `remember-me` is set to "true" then
* the `bcrypt-credential-fn` invoke the `credentials/remember-me` function that issue new remember-me data (not the cookie yet) that will be returned through the authenticate response.
* The `remember-me` function is given a `save-remember-me-fn!` as a first parameters to allow the persistent storage of the issued data. The `save-remember-me-fn!` is defined with the login config.
* If any remember-me data is present in the interactive-login workflow response then it is encoded into a persistent cookie in the `friend/authenticate*` function with the `friend/set-cookies-if-any` function.

### Authenticate with a remember-me cookie

Once issued and sent to the client, each subsequent http request will include the persistent remember-me cookie.

* The `workflow/remember-me-hash` function workflow test if a remember-me cookie is present in the request.
* It verifies the validity of the cookie with the `credentials/remember-me-hash-fn` that loads the stored remember-me data and then compare with the data provided in the cookie (validity, expiration, etc.), otherwise it returns nil and the `make-auth` fn does not make it.
* The `workflow/remember-me-hash` then `make-auth` and transmit the authenticated request to the subsequent handler

89 changes: 67 additions & 22 deletions src/cemerick/friend.clj
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@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
(ns cemerick.friend
(:require [cemerick.friend.util :as util]
[clojure.set :as set])
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :refer :all]
[clj-time.core :as time]
[clj-time.format :refer [with-locale formatter]]
[clj-time.coerce :as time-coerce :refer [from-long]])
(:use (ring.util [response :as response :only (redirect)])
[slingshot.slingshot :only (throw+ try+)])
(:import (org.joda.time DateTimeZone)
(java.util Locale))
(:refer-clojure :exclude (identity)))

(def ^{:dynamic true} *default-scheme-ports* {:http 80 :https 443})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,14 +81,24 @@ being added back into the final response)."
(update-in response [:session] dissoc ::identity))

(defn logout-remember-me!
"remove all remember-me token associated with the current username
with the storage fn provided with auth-config"
(let [username (get-in request [:session ::identity :current])
reset-remember-me-fn! (get-in request [::auth-config :reset-remember-me-fn!])]
(reset-remember-me-fn! username)))

(defn logout
"Ring middleware that modifies the response to drop all retained
#(when-let [response (handler %)]
(->> (or (:session response) (:session %))
(assoc response :session)
(fn [request]
(logout-remember-me! request)
(when-let [response (handler request)]
(->> (or (:session response) (:session request))
(assoc response :session)

(defn- default-unauthorized-handler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,18 +162,20 @@ Equivalent to (complement current-authentication)."}
::identity identity))

(defn- redirect-new-auth
[authentication-map request]
(when-let [redirect (::redirect-on-auth? (meta authentication-map) true)]
(let [unauthorized-uri (-> request :session ::unauthorized-uri)
resp (response/redirect-after-post
(or unauthorized-uri
(and (string? redirect) redirect)
(str (:context request) (-> request ::auth-config :default-landing-uri ))))]
(or unauthorized-uri
(and (string? redirect) redirect)
(str (:context request) (-> request ::auth-config :default-landing-uri ))))]
(if unauthorized-uri
(-> resp
(assoc :session (:session request))
(update-in [:session] dissoc ::unauthorized-uri))
(assoc :session (:session request))
(update-in [:session] dissoc ::unauthorized-uri))

(defn default-unauthenticated-handler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,23 +253,50 @@ which contains a map to be called with a ring handler."
request (assoc request ::auth-config config)
workflow-result (some #(% request) workflows)]

(if (and workflow-result (not (auth? workflow-result)))
;; workflow assumed to be a ring response
(no-workflow-result-request request config workflow-result))))

(defn- authenticate*
(def #^{:private true}
cookie-date-formatter (with-locale
(formatter "EEE, dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss" DateTimeZone/UTC)

(defn cookie-date [date]
"convert a clj-time/joda-time instant to the correct date formatting
for HTTP cookies."
(str (.print cookie-date-formatter date) " GMT"))

(defn persistent-cookie
"create a persistent cookie. expires can be milliseconds epoch time
or joda-time (clj-time) compatible instant/partial."
([name value expires attrs]
{name (assoc attrs :value value :expires (cookie-date expires))})
([name value expires]
(persistent-cookie name value expires {})))

(defn set-cookies-if-any [response]
(let [current-identity (get-in response [:session :cemerick.friend/identity :current])
expiration-time (get-in response [:session :cemerick.friend/identity :authentications current-identity :expiration-time])
cookie-value (get-in response [:session :cemerick.friend/identity :authentications current-identity :remember-me-cookie-value])]
(if cookie-value
(assoc response :cookies (persistent-cookie :remember-me cookie-value
(time-coerce/from-long expiration-time) {:path "/"}))

(defn authenticate*
[ring-handler auth-config request]
(let [response-or-handler-map (authenticate-request request auth-config)
response (if-let [handler-map (:friend/handler-map response-or-handler-map)]
(handler-request ring-handler handler-map) response-or-handler-map)]
(update-in response
(fn [x]
(or x (:friend/ensure-identity-request response-or-handler-map))))
(handler-request ring-handler handler-map)
(set-cookies-if-any (authenticate-response
(update-in response
(fn [x]
(or x (:friend/ensure-identity-request response-or-handler-map))))

(defn authenticate
[ring-handler auth-config]
Expand All @@ -261,8 +306,8 @@ which contains a map to be called with a ring handler."
(defn throw-unauthorized
"Throws a slingshot stone (see `slingshot.slingshot/throw+`) containing
the [authorization-info] map, in addition to these slots:
:cemerick.friend/type - the type of authorization failure that has

:cemerick.friend/type - the type of authorization failure that has
occurred, defaults to `:unauthorized`
:cemerick.friend/identity - the current identity, defaults to the
provided [identity] argument
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,7 +371,7 @@ which contains a map to be called with a ring handler."

(authorize #{::user :some.ns/admin}
{:op-name \"descriptive name for secured operation\"}

Note that this macro depends upon the *identity* var being bound to the
current user's authentications. This will work fine in e.g. agent sends
Expand Down
85 changes: 79 additions & 6 deletions src/cemerick/friend/credentials.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
(ns cemerick.friend.credentials
(:import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt))
(:require [clojure.edn]
[ :refer :all])
(:import (org.mindrot.jbcrypt BCrypt)
(org.apache.commons.codec.binary Base64)
(java.util UUID)))

(defn hash-bcrypt
"Hashes a given plaintext password using bcrypt and an optional
Expand All @@ -17,9 +21,54 @@ the result of previously hashing that password."
[password hash]
(BCrypt/checkpw password hash))

(defn- remember-me-str [{:keys [userid password-crypted expiration-time salt]}]
(str "userid=" userid
":password-crypted=" password-crypted
":expiration-time=" expiration-time
":salt=" salt))

(defn- encode-remember-me-hash-cookie-value
"generate the cookie value made of:
base64({:userid userid
:expiration-time expiration-time
:hash (bcrypt {:userid userid
:expiration-time expiration-time
:password-hash password-hash
:key key})})
* userid: the id of the user
* password-hash: the user password hash as found in the creds
* expiration-time: the time when the cookie will expire expressed in milliseconds
* key: a unique key (salt) to prevent modification of the cookie hash, defined with a java random UUID
validity-duration is a duration in milliseconds that define the expiration time (now + validation duration = expiration time)"
[{:keys [userid password-crypted expiration-time salt] :as all}]
(str "{:userid \"" userid "\""
" :expiration-time " expiration-time
" :hash \"" (hash-bcrypt (remember-me-str all)) "\"}"))))

(defn decode-remember-me-hash-cookie-value
"decode a cookie value previously encoded with the fn generate-remember-me-has-cookie-value"
(String. (Base64/decodeBase64 cookie-value)))
(catch RuntimeException e nil)))

(defn remember-me [save-remember-me-fn! creds]
(let [remember-me-data {:userid (:userid creds)
:password-crypted (:password-crypted creds)
:expiration-time (+ (System/currentTimeMillis) 2592000000);;30 days
:salt (.toString (UUID/randomUUID))}
cookie-value (encode-remember-me-hash-cookie-value remember-me-data)]
(save-remember-me-fn! (:userid creds) remember-me-data)
(dissoc (merge creds (assoc remember-me-data :remember-me-cookie-value cookie-value)) :salt :password-crypted)))

(defn bcrypt-credential-fn
"A bcrypt credentials function intended to be used with `cemerick.friend/authenticate`
or individual authentication workflows. You must supply a function of one argument

that will look up stored user credentials given a username/id. e.g.:

(authenticate {:credential-fn (partial bcrypt-credential-fn load-user-record)
Expand All @@ -41,8 +90,32 @@ the result of previously hashing that password."
...then the hash will be verified correctly as long as the credentials
map contains a [:cemerick.friend.credentials/password-key]
[load-credentials-fn {:keys [username password]}]
(when-let [creds (load-credentials-fn username)]
(let [password-key (or (-> creds meta ::password-key) :password)]
(when (bcrypt-verify password (get creds password-key))
(dissoc creds password-key)))))
([load-credentials-fn {:keys [username password remember-me?] :as provided-user-data}]
(bcrypt-credential-fn load-credentials-fn nil provided-user-data))
([load-credentials-fn save-remember-me-fn! {:keys [username password remember-me? remember-me-short-life?] :as provided-user-data}]
(when-let [creds (load-credentials-fn username)]
(let [password-key (or (-> creds meta ::password-key) :password)]
(when (bcrypt-verify password (get creds password-key))
(if remember-me?
(dissoc (remember-me save-remember-me-fn! creds) password-key)
(dissoc creds password-key)))))))

(defn remember-me-hash-fn
{:keys [remember-me-cookie-value]}]
(if-let [{:keys [username expiration-time hash]} (decode-remember-me-hash-cookie-value remember-me-cookie-value)]
(when-let [creds (load-credentials-fn username)]
(when-let [{exp-time-from-storage :expiration-time
salt-from-storage :salt} (load-rem-me-credentials-fn username)]
(let [password-key (or (-> creds meta ::password-key) :password)
password-from-creds (get creds password-key)
rem-me-data {:username username
:expiration-time exp-time-from-storage
:salt salt-from-storage
:password-hash password-from-creds}
creds-with-rem-me (merge rem-me-data creds)
not-expired? (fn [exp] (> exp (System/currentTimeMillis)))]
(when (and (bcrypt-verify (remember-me-str rem-me-data) hash)
(not-expired? expiration-time))
(dissoc creds-with-rem-me password-key :salt :password-hash)))))))