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cdeptula edited this page Dec 5, 2013 · 2 revisions

General Description

Reminder: The Tableau Data Extract plugin will only run in a Windows environment at this time.

The Tableau Data Extract plugin allows Pentaho to write directly to a Tableau Data Extract (.tde) file.

To use a TDE file in Tableau Desktop follow the instructions at

To publish a TDE file to Tableau Server using Tableau Desktop follow the instructions at

To publish a TDE file to Tableau Server using the command line utility follow the instructions at

Extract Tab

The Extract tab is where you define basic properties about the extract being created, such as:

  • Extract Name - The file path and file name of the extract. A .tde will automatically be appended to the file name at run time.
  • Append - If the file already exists should the step append to the file or overwrite the file.
  • Create Parent folder - When this option is specified it will create the parent folder if it does not exist.
  • Include stepnr in filename? - If you run the step in multiple copies (Launching several copies of a step), the copy number is included in the filename, before the extension. (_0).
  • Include partition nr in filename? - Includes the data partition number in the filename.
  • Include date in filename - Includes the system date in the filename. (_20041231).
  • Include time in filename - Includes the system time in the filename. (_235959).
  • Specify Date time format - When this option is checked you can specify the format of the date to be included in the filename.
  • Date time format - The date format to use when including the date in the filename.

Fields Tab

The Fields Tab is where you specify the fields that should be included in the TDE file.

  • Name - The name of the field on the input stream.
  • Rename to - If the field in the TDE file should be named something different than the field name on the stream, specify the new name here.
  • Tableau type - A Tableau specific data type.
  • Get Fields - Gets all of the fields on the stream and assigns default Tableau Types.

Tableau Data Types

  • Boolean - True/False
  • Character String - A string of ASCII characters
  • Date - Just the date part of a date.
  • DateTime - The full date including the timestamp.
  • Double - A number.
  • Duration - The length of time in milliseconds of an event.
  • Integer - An integer.
  • Unicode String - A string containing Unicode characters.
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