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check all prox nums against cardnumber in Koha
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phette23 committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent c60d07d commit 15f400e
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 34 deletions.
57 changes: 23 additions & 34 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Usage: <prox> <jsonfile> [<old_prox>]
Usage: <prox> <jsonfile>
Iterates over the user accounts in the provided JSON file (which can be a
student or employee export from Workday) and, if their prox number isn't in
Koha, adds it. If you provide a previous iteration of the prox number report
then the script will only check the Koha record if we have a new prox number.
student or employee export from Workday) and checks their prox number against
their cardnumber in Koha. If the numbers differ, updates the patron record.
import csv
from datetime import date
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ def create_prox_map(proxfile):
elif '"Universal ID","Prox ID","Student ID","Last Name","First Name"' in first_line:
# we have already skipped the header row
# we already skipped the header row
raise RuntimeError(f'The CSV of prox numbers "{proxfile}" was in an unexpected format. It should be a CSV export from OneCard either unmodified or with the two preamble rows removed but the header row present. Double-check the format of the file.')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,9 +109,9 @@ def no_prox(wd):
f"""universal ID {wd['universal_id']} and no prox number""")

def prox_changed(workday, prox):
""" we have a new or changed prox number for a patron, try to find their
Koha account and pass the new prox num to update_patron(koha, wd, prox)
def check_prox(workday, prox):
""" Try to find Koha account given WD profile. If cardnumber and prox don't
match, pass the new prox num to update_patron(koha, wd, prox).
workday (dict): Workday object of personal info
Expand All @@ -133,14 +132,9 @@ def prox_changed(workday, prox):
if len(patrons) == 0:
elif len(patrons) == 1:
update_patron(patrons[0], workday, prox)
# multiple patrons returned (e.g. look at results for userid = nchan
# which is a substring of another username)
patrons = [p for p in patrons if p['userid'] == workday['username']]
if len(patrons) == 0:
elif len(patrons) == 1:
if patrons[0]["cardnumber"] == prox:
update_patron(patrons[0], workday, prox)

Expand All @@ -167,43 +161,38 @@ def main(arguments):
global missing
missing = []
global totals
totals = { "missing": 0, "error": 0, "updated": 0, "no prox": 0}
totals = {
"missing": 0,
"error": 0,
"updated": 0,
"no prox": 0,
"prox unchanged": 0
global http
http = request_wrapper()

prox_map = create_prox_map(arguments['<prox>'])
if arguments['<old_prox>']:
old_prox_map = create_prox_map(arguments['<old_prox>'])
totals["prox unchanged"] = 0

with open(arguments['<jsonfile>'], 'r') as file:
people = json.load(file)["Report_Entry"]

# uncomment the next line to test on just Libraries staff
# people = [p for p in people if p.get('department', None) == 'Libraries']
for workday in people:
if not workday['universal_id'] in prox_map:
prox = prox_map[workday['universal_id']]
if old_prox_map and old_prox_map.get(workday['universal_id'], None) == prox:
prox_changed(workday, prox)
check_prox(workday, prox_map[workday['universal_id']])

if len(missing) > 0:

if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Patch Prox Number 1.0')
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Patch Prox Number 1.1')
- Updated Patrons: {totals["updated"]}
- No Prox number: {totals["no prox"]}
- Missing from Koha: {totals["missing"]}
- Errors: {totals["error"]}""")
if totals.get("prox unchanged", False):
- Updated Patrons: {totals['updated']}
- No Prox number: {totals['no prox']}
- Missing from Koha: {totals['missing']}
- Errors: {totals['error']}
- Prox unchanged: {totals['prox unchanged']}""")

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