NOTE: Due to a known issue with how Guava now publishes its artifact, you will need to apply the following snippet workaround to your root build.gradle
(Groovy-based, Kotlin impls will vary slightly):
subprojects {
plugins.withId("app.cash.paparazzi") {
// Defer until afterEvaluate so that testImplementation is created by Android plugin.
afterEvaluate {
dependencies.constraints {
add("testImplementation", "com.google.guava:guava") {
attributes {
objects.named(TargetJvmEnvironment, TargetJvmEnvironment.STANDARD_JVM)
because("LayoutLib and sdk-common depend on Guava's -jre published variant." +
"See https://github.com/cashapp/paparazzi/issues/906.")
See also: google/guava#6801.
- Support for pseudolocalization tests! To get started:
class PseudolocalizationTest(
@TestParameter locale: Locale
) {
@get:Rule val paparazzi = Paparazzi(
deviceConfig = DeviceConfig.PIXEL_5.copy(locale = locale.tag)
@Test fun test() {
paparazzi.snapshot { SomeComposable() }
enum class Locale(val tag: String?) {
- Migrate Paparazzi to layoutlib Giraffe 2022.3.1
- Compose 1.5.0
- Kotlin 1.9.0
- [Gradle Plugin] Gradle 8.5
- [Gradle Plugin] Android Gradle Plugin 8.1.1
- Fix relativePath bug in port of ResourceFile
- Resolve report dir from ReportingExtension instead of hardcoding
- Make report folder variant-aware
- Remove reliance on kotlinx.coroutines.main.delay
- Use a class file locator that queries the system class loader
- Filter out unrecognized java-symbol tag warning
- Skip synthetic fields in R classes
- Update task inputs for resources and assets to account for file renames and moves
- Update delta images to support showing diff when width and height differ
Kudos to @kevinzheng-ap, @TWiStErRob, @gamepro65, @adamalyyan, @larryng, and others for contributions this release!