A collection of all demo artifacts from the Pahud Dev VLOG.
- EP01 AWS Cloud9輕鬆上手
- EP02 十年磨一劍,讓你的ASG也吹起混搭風
- EP03 Building AWS Client VPN with AWS CDK
- EP04 Getting Started with AWS CDK - 入門篇
- EP05 Getting Started with AWS CDK - EC2模塊介紹
- EP06 Getting Started with AWS CDK - 創建Amazon EKS集群
- EP07 Getting Started with AWS CDK - ACM ALB ECS FARGATE一次搞定
- EP08 Getting Started with AWS CDK - Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate
- EP09 立即開箱 AWS CLI v2 Docker Image
- EP10 Amazon EKS CI/CD with AWS CodeBuild
- EP11 Getting Started with AWS CDK in Python
- EP12 立即開箱 Lens - The Kubernetes IDE with AWS CDK and Amazon EKS
- EP13 立即開箱 AWS CDK 1.32.0 for Amazon EKS Managed Nodegroup
- EP14 立即開箱 Eclipse Theia Cloud IDE
- EP15 立即開箱 Bottlerocket with AWS CDK
- EP16 This is My Demo - Amazon EKS CICD with Jenkins, CDK, Helm and Gitlab by Rico Chen
- EP17 立即開箱 Amazon API Gateway HTTP API with AWS CDK