A simple Python server that downloads music from various sites (whatever Youtube-DL can handle), and uploads it to your Google Music account. It uses a worker to enqueue tasks as requests come into the system.
Comes with a chrome extension that allows you to download from the site you are currently browsing from.
(Assuming that you've cloned this repo somehow)
This project was made with Docker in mind. You can download Docker via their official site.
For the application to work, you will need to set an API authorization token. The app itself authenticates using a salt & pepper along with the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
Generate a random pepper, and figure out the encrypted value of your password using the in-app salt. Place the encrypted password, along with the pepper in
in dictionary format. Multi-line passwords and peppers are allowed.$ touch server/api_certificate.cred $ echo {"encrypted_password": $encryptedPassword, "pepper": $generatedPepper} \ >> server/api_certificate.cred
Before you can run
, you will be required to build the image for the source code. You may tag the build as you wish (as long as the name is stillforte
).$ docker build --rm -t forte . $ docker-compose up -d
Check to make sure that all the containers are up and running as expected using
docker-compose ps
.Name Command State Ports ======================================================================================================== forte_kafka-rest_1 /etc/confluent/docker/run Up>8082/tcp forte_kafka_1 /etc/confluent/docker/run Up>9092/tcp forte_web_1 python -u server/consumer.py Up forte_zookeeper_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh zkSe ... Up>2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp
docker logs <container_name>
to dig into anything that broke.