Simple and tiny library to load environment variables into a struct.
import ""
func Load
func Load[T any]() (*T, error)
Load reads the environment variables and populates the struct defined in T. T must be a struct otherwise it will thrown an error. Each nested level within the struct is sepearated by '__'.
package main
import (
func main() {
type Config struct {
// When 'env' is omitted, the field name snake-cased is used as the key, e.g., 'newrelic_enabled'
NewrelicEnabled bool
// When 'env' is omitted, the field name snake-cased is used as the key, e.g., 'database'
Database struct {
// Nested properties are joined by '__', e.g., 'database__host'
Host string `env:"host"`
// Nested properties are joined by '__', e.g., 'database__host'
Port uint `env:"port"`
Subscribers struct {
// Nested properties are joined by '__', e.g., 'subscribers__order_management'
OrderManagement string `env:"order_management"`
// When 'env' is omitted, the field name snake-cased is used as the key, e.g., 'member_account'
MemberAccount string
// The 'env' tag can be set to any name without necessarily matching the field name in the structure
Member string `env:"api_member"`
} `env:"subscribers"`
ListOfStrings []string `env:"list_of_strings"`
ListOfUInts []uint `env:"list_of_uints"`
ListOfFloats []float32 `env:"list_of_floats"`
os.Setenv("NEWRELIC_ENABLED", "true")
os.Setenv("DATABASE__HOST", "localhost")
os.Setenv("DATABASE__PORT", "5432")
os.Setenv("SUBSCRIBERS__ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "subscriber_order_management")
os.Setenv("SUBSCRIBERS__MEMBER_ACCOUNT", "subscriber_member_account")
os.Setenv("SUBSCRIBERS__API_MEMBER", "subscriber_api_member")
os.Setenv("LIST_OF_STRINGS", "one,two,three")
os.Setenv("LIST_OF_UINTS", "1,2,3")
os.Setenv("LIST_OF_FLOATS", "1.1,2.2,3.3")
cfg, err := neoenv.Load[Config]()
if err != nil {
// Use the configuration
_ = cfg
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