This package gives provides support for finding solutions to the generalized Pell's equation.
More specifically, give an integer
To do this, you can call pellseqn(D, N=1)
This will return a (possibly infinite) iterator whose eltype is Tuple{BigInt,BigInt}
julia> Pkg.add("PellsEquation")
julia> using PellsEquation, .Iterators
# Find the first five solutions to x^2 - 2y^2 = 1.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(2), 5))
5-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}}:
(1, 0)
(3, 2)
(17, 12)
(99, 70)
(577, 408)
# Find the first five solutions to x^2 - 2y^2 = 1,
# this time explicitly stating the value of N.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(2, 1), 5))
5-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}}:
(1, 0)
(3, 2)
(17, 12)
(99, 70)
(577, 408)
# Find the first five solutions of x^2 - 5y^2 = 1.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(5, -1), 5))
5-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}}:
(2, 1)
(38, 17)
(682, 305)
(12238, 5473)
(219602, 98209)
# Find the solutions to x^2 - 4y^2 = 25.
# Here, there are only 2 solutions in total,
# so it stops iterating once the two solutions are found.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(4, 25), 5))
2-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}}:
(5, 0)
(13, 6)
# Find the solutions to x^2 - 4y^2 = 10.
# There are no solutions so it returns and empty iterator.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(4, 10), 5))
Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}[]
# Find the first five solutions to x^2 - 921y^2 = -12.
# Notice how the solutions can grow extremely quickly,
# even with very modest sized inputs.
# This is why we always use BigInts,
# even if the inputs themselves are not BigInts.
julia> collect(take(pellseqn(921, -12), 5))
5-element Vector{Tuple{BigInt, BigInt}}:
(123013602, 4053436)
(620494807415610916348542, 20445999054572056617484)
(3129847429634131057287425640460782483138, 103131979224431202543397867947637928044)
(15787311699815721226111492312624904230758974206686324318, 520209607285982995690281237198588485553526346187087196)
(79633022474924155281204153475574155565247711565894067613899610557324322, 2623997304693724359853375113257533978570443685138259398969894101570076)
Since it comes essentially for free,
another use of this package is to find the
convergents for the continued fraction of quadratic numbers,
ie., numbers of the form
You can do this by calling
continued_fraction(D, P=0, Q=1)
This returns an iterator whose eltypes are 3-Tuples of the form (ai::BigInt, Pi::BigInt, Qi::BigInt)
where ai
is the i
'th coefficent of the continued fraction of Pi / Qi
is its i
'th convergent.
This can be useful if you want to approximate a floating point quadratic number with a rational number so you can avoid floating-point arithmetic.
# Find the first twelve convergents of (sqrt(14) - 9) / -13.
julia> collect(Iterators.take(continued_fraction(14, -9, -13), 12))
12-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, BigInt, BigInt}}:
(0, 0, 1)
(2, 1, 2)
(2, 2, 5)
(8, 17, 42)
(1, 19, 47)
(1, 36, 89)
(18, 667, 1649)
(1, 703, 1738)
(12, 9103, 22505)
(1, 9806, 24243)
(18, 185611, 458879)
(1, 195417, 483122)
julia> 667//1649 == 0 + (1//(2 + 1//(2 + 1//(8 + 1//(1 + 1//(1 + 1//18))))))
julia> (sqrt(14) - 9) / -13 ≈ 195417 / 483122