is an extension to FastAPI
that allows you to add OpenID Connect based authentication for your endpoints
within minutes.
# TODO: not yet released
poetry add fastapi-oidc-auth
The package provides a simple decorator @oidc.login_required
to protect
an endpoint. You can retrieve the user info directly from the request object.
from typing import Dict
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi import Request
from fastapi_oidc_auth.auth import OpenIDConnect
# realm (e.g. Keycloak instance)
host = "http://localhost:8080"
realm = "example-realm"
client_id = "example-client"
client_secret = "xxx765cd-20ba-44a3-9584-784807a36906"
app_uri = "http://localhost:5000"
oidc = OpenIDConnect(host, realm, app_uri, client_id, client_secret)
app = FastAPI()
async def very_secret(request: Request) -> Dict:
return {"message": "success", "user_info": request.user_info}
- Maybe release package
- Possibly refactor to a more FastAPIish style (middleware/depends)
- Make more configurable
poetry install
# Run tests
poetry run pytest
# Run linter
poetry run ruff format
poetry run ruff check --fix