WordPress plugin to roll your own custom lorem ipsum generator - forked from Bacon Ipsum
= What's in here? =
wp-anyipsum.php - WordPress plugin wrapper (loades classes, registers core hooks, etc)
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumCore.php - Exposes filters used by other classes
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumForm.php - Shortcode for generating the form to allow visitors to generate your custom filler
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumSettings.php - Admin settings for managing your custom filler text
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumAPI.php - JSON API endpoint
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumOembed.php - oEmbed endpoint
lib/class-WPAnyIpsumGenerator.php - The WPAnyIpsumGenerator class for generating custom filler text.
readme.txt - Info for the WordPress repo
assets - Screenshots for the WordPress repo
lang - For future translastions
Revision History
= v1.1.0 October 22, 2014 =
- Added a header for the form shortcode, ex: [anyipsum-form]Give our ipsum a try! It's the best![/anyipsum-form]
- Added sentence mode for ipsum generators that want to use full sentences as custom words.
- The ipsum generator on baconipsum.com site is now powered by this plugin!
= v1.0.1 September 12, 2014 =
- Initial Release