St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire application for COPD patients
If you are interested in testing out the application you can download the latest pre-built package version for Windows, Mac and Linux on
All previous versions can be found under the release section of this repository.
If you are interested in contributing or building the application yourself follow the instructions:
In order to build the application you need to install a stable version of Node.js.
If you want to clone and contribute to the project you should to install Git.
First clone or download this repository running in your terminal:
git clone
then navigate to the root folder of the project:
cd sgrq
and run:
npm install
NPM will download all the required dependencies to build the project. A first build will be triggered.
To test the project run in your terminal:
npm start
that will launch the a Webpack
build process. The process will:
- Serve the project on the URL http://localhost:3000/
- Trigger a re-build of the sources on file modification.
To test the project in the Electron
environment run:
npm run electron
To test the project on Phantomjs
run in your terminal:
npm run test
To test it in an Electron
environment run:
npm run test:electron
You can build only the sources running:
npm run build:prod
or build the application binaries running:
npm run build:electron
You can directly create a pull request for this repository. Your code will be tested by Travis CI.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Please declare found bugs on the issues section of the repository.
- Marco Gelpi, MD
- Jonathan Argentiero, Developer and maintainer
- Andreas Ronit, MD
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This application is free for use. You can copy and redistribute it as you wish.