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Josh Taylor edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 3 revisions

Here is a list of all the current commands; if you see anything missing please let me know. It should also be noted that if you're not happy with these subcommands and their aliases you can remap all of them in config.yml

/ticket can be substituted with /ti and /tickets can be substituted with /tis

/ticket (player) commands

Subcommand Alias Permission Description
create <Message> c tickets.user.create create a ticket with the supplied message
update <Index> <Message> u tickets.user.update update the ticket at index with the supplied message
close <Index> cl tickets.user.close close the ticket at the supplied index
show <Index> s show the ticket at the supplied index
log <Index> N/A tickets.user.log show all updates and changes of the ticket at the supplied index

/tickets (staff) commands

Subcommand Alias Permission Description
show <Player> [Index] s show the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
pick <Player> [Index] p tickets.staff.claim claim the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
assign <Staff> <Player> [Index] a tickets.staff.assign assign the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index to the targetted staff member
done <Player> [Index] d tickets.staff.done done-mark the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
yield <Player> [Index] y tickets.staff.unclaim unclaim the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
note <Player> <Index> <Message> n tickets.staff.note adds a note to a players ticket
reopen <Player> [Index] ro tickets.staff.reopen reopens the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
teleport <Player> [Index] tp tickets.staff.teleport teleports send to the creation location of the most recent ticket by the provided player or a specific ticket at the optional index
log <Player> [Index] N/A tickets.staff.log show all updates and changes of the most recent ticket from the supplied player or at the opional index
list [Player] [Status] l tickets.staff.list lists all your current tickets with the ability to filter to a specific ticket status and player
status [Player] N/A tickets.staff.list view amount the tickets that are in, optionally filtered to a person

/puretickets (per player configuration) commands

Subcommand Permission Description
highscore [time] puretickets.staff.highscore view staffs ticket completions in the specified time amount
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