This is a fork of spymemcached with the following modifications to support Arcus memcached cloud.
- Collection data types
- List: A doubly-linked list.
- Set: An unordered set of unique data.
- Map: An unordered set of <field, value>.
- B+Tree: A B+Tree structure similar to sorted map.
- ZooKeeper based clustering
Compatible with jdk version
- runtime requirements : At least 1.6
- build requirements : At least 1.8
The Maven artifact for arcus java client is in the central Maven repository. To use it, add the following dependency to your pom.xml.
To build your own library, simply run the following maven command:
$ mvn clean install
# Test cases may not run properly if you do not already have memcached
# and ZooKeeper installed on the local machine. To skip tests, use skipTests.
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
Before running test cases, make sure to set up a local ZooKeeper and run an Arcus memcached instance. Several Arcus specific test cases assume that there is an Arcus instance running, along with ZooKeeper.
First, make a simple ZooKeeper configuration file. By default, tests assume ZooKeeper is running at localhost:2181.
$ cat test-zk.conf
# The number of milliseconds of each tick
# The number of ticks that the initial
# synchronization phase can take
# The number of ticks that can pass between
# sending a request and getting an acknowledgement
# the directory where the snapshot is stored.
# the port at which the clients will connect
Second, create znodes for one memcached instance running at localhost:11211. ZooKeeper comes with a command line tool. The following script uses it to set up the directory structure.
$ cat setup-test-zk.bash
ZK_ADDR="-server localhost:2181"
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_list 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_list/test 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/client_list 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/client_list/test 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_log 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
$ZK_CLI $ZK_ADDR create /arcus/cache_server_mapping/ 0
Now start the ZooKeeper instance using the configuration above.
$ ZOOCFGDIR=$PWD ./zookeeper/bin/ start test-zk.conf
And, start the memcached instance.
$ /home1/openarcus/bin/memcached -E /home1/openarcus/lib/ -p 11211 -z localhost:2181
Finally, run test cases.
$ mvn test
Results :
Tests run: 722, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 8
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3:17.308s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 06 13:42:58 KST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/722M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please refer to Arcus Java Client User Guide for the detailed usage of Arcus java client.
If you find a bug, please report it via the GitHub issues page.
In addition to those who had contributed to the original libmemcached, the following people at NAVER have contributed to arcus-java-client.
Chisu Yu (netspider);
Hoonmin Kim (harebox);
YeaSol Kim (ngleader);
SeongHwa Ahn;
HyongYoub Kim
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
Arcus has patents on b+tree smget operation. Refer to PATENTS file in this directory to get the patent information.
Under the Apache License 2.0, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable patent license is granted to any user for any usage. You can see the specifics on the grant of patent license in LICENSE file in this directory.