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macOS Configuration


  1. Global Keybindings
  2. Boot Options
  3. Disable SIP
  4. GPT fdisk
  5. Show Hidden Files
  6. Remove ._files
  7. Menubar Advanced Settings
  8. Tag Shortcut
  9. Change Screenshot Location
  10. Airplay -> Apple TV
  11. MacChanger
  12. Find a Solution 🤔

Global Keybindings

  1. User

Boot Options

  1. press C to Boot to USB
  2. press N for Netboot
  3. press D for Diagnostics
  4. press ⌥ Option for Boot Manager
  5. press ⇧ Shift for Safe Boot
  6. press ⌘ Command+R for Recovery Mode
  7. press ⌘ Command+V for Verbose Mode
  8. press ⌘ Command+S for Single User Mode

Disable SIP

  1. Open Terminal
  2. type reboot
  3. press ⌘ Command+R on bootup to enter Recovery Mode
  4. Open Terminal
  5. type csrutil disable
  6. type reboot to leave Recovery Mode
  7. Boot up normal again
  8. type csrutil status to verify SIP status

GPT fdisk

  1. open Terminal
  2. type sudo gdisk /dev/disk0 to check state of MBR

Show Hidden Files

  1. type defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
  2. type sudo killall Finder or Menubar ->  -> Force Quit.. -> Finder to relaunch Finder

Remove ._files on Shared Volumes

  1. open Terminal
  2. type defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
  3. type dot_clean -m /Volumes/<Mounted_SMB_share>

Menubar Advanced Settings

  1. press ⌥ Option+Click on wifi icon for network information
  2. press ⌥ Option+Click on bluetooth icon for network information
  3. change color to #171717 for transparent menubar

Tag Shortcut

  1. remove all favorite tags from Finder -> Preferences -> Tags -> Favorites
  2. add shortcut Tags... with keybinding to Finder in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcut

Change Screenshot Location

  1. open Terminal
  2. type defaults write location <desired file path>

Airplay -> Apple TV

  1. go to System Preferences -> Mission Control -> Displays have Separate Spaces
  • Airplay Displays have their own designated space
  • utilize other spaces on the Mac while the airplay display remains fixed


  1. open Terminal
  2. brew install macchanger
  3. type sudo ifconfig enp1s0 to check network interface status / original address
  4. type sudo ifconfig enp1s0 down to turn off network interface
  5. type sudo macchanger -r enp1s0 to randomize MAC address with -r and [device_name]
  6. type sudo ifconfig enp1s0 up to turn On Network Interface
  7. type sudo ifconfig enp1s0 to check Again Network Interface Status
  8. type macchanger -s eth0 to display current mac address
  9. type macchanger -m eht0 to change the mac address to a pre-defined address

Find a Solution

  1. show hidden files only for specified directories
    • similar to defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
    • ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+. to toggle on / off
  2. An updated command to remove the spotlight menubar icon