- Global Keybindings
- Boot Options
- Disable SIP
- GPT fdisk
- Show Hidden Files
- Remove
- Menubar Advanced Settings
- Tag Shortcut
- Change Screenshot Location
- Airplay -> Apple TV
- MacChanger
- Find a Solution 🤔
- press C to Boot to USB
- press N for Netboot
- press D for Diagnostics
- press ⌥ Option for Boot Manager
- press ⇧ Shift for Safe Boot
- press ⌘ Command+R for Recovery Mode
- press ⌘ Command+V for Verbose Mode
- press ⌘ Command+S for Single User Mode
- Open Terminal
- type
- press ⌘ Command+R on bootup to enter Recovery Mode
- Open Terminal
- type
csrutil disable
- type
to leave Recovery Mode - Boot up normal again
- type
csrutil status
to verify SIP status
- open Terminal
- type
sudo gdisk /dev/disk0
to check state of MBR
Show Hidden Files
- type
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
- type
sudo killall Finder
orMenubar -> -> Force Quit.. -> Finder
to relaunch Finder
- open Terminal
- type
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
- type
dot_clean -m /Volumes/<Mounted_SMB_share>
- press ⌥ Option+Click on wifi icon for network information
- press ⌥ Option+Click on bluetooth icon for network information
- change color to
for transparent menubar
- remove all favorite tags from Finder -> Preferences -> Tags -> Favorites
- add shortcut
with keybinding to Finder in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcut
- open Terminal
- type
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location <desired file path>
- go to System Preferences -> Mission Control -> Displays have Separate Spaces
- Airplay Displays have their own designated space
- utilize other spaces on the Mac while the airplay display remains fixed
- open Terminal
brew install macchanger
- type
sudo ifconfig enp1s0
to check network interface status / original address - type
sudo ifconfig enp1s0 down
to turn off network interface - type
sudo macchanger -r enp1s0
to randomize MAC address with-r
and [device_name] - type
sudo ifconfig enp1s0 up
to turn On Network Interface - type
sudo ifconfig enp1s0
to check Again Network Interface Status - type
macchanger -s eth0
to display current mac address - type
macchanger -m eht0
to change the mac address to a pre-defined address
- show hidden files only for specified directories
- similar to
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
- ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+. to toggle on / off
- similar to
- An updated command to remove the spotlight menubar icon