This is a simple Register, login and logout RestAPI. Feel free to comsume the APIs fo your personal project.
Brian Kiiru Kimani
The following command installs all the application requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
or download the zip file from github.
After extracting the files,
- Navigate to the project folder
cd name_of_folder
- Creating a virtual environment
virtualenv virtual.
- Activating the virtual environment
source virtual/bin/activate.
- Running the application
python3 runserver
- Running tests
Use Postman to run test
- Python3
- Django
- DjangoRest
- Swagger
As a user, I can register
As a user, I can log in.
As a user, I can log out.
MIT License © 2020 Brian Kiiru
To collaborate, reach me on [email protected]