To write programs that are maintainable, readable, and adaptable, it is important to follow best practices such as using meaningful variable names, writing comments, and using consistent formatting¹.
In my case, I used a CRUD Python module from Project One to connect the dashboard widgets to the database in Project Two. The advantages of using this module include that it provides a standard way of performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a database. This makes it easier to maintain and update the code because you can reuse the same code for different projects.
In the future, the same CRUD Python module can be used for other projects that require database operations. For example, it can be used to create a web application that allows users to create, read, update, and delete data from a database.
As a computer scientist, I approach a problem by first understanding the requirements and constraints of the problem. I then break down the problem into smaller sub-problems that can be solved more easily. I also try to identify patterns or similarities between the problem at hand and other problems that I have solved before.
When working on the database or dashboard requirements that Grazioso Salvare requested, I first identified the data that needed to be stored in the database and how it would be used in the dashboard. Finally, I implemented the CRUD operations using Python retrieve and write to the database.
My approach to this project differed from previous assignments in other courses because it required me to work with a hypothetical real-world client and understand their needs and requirements. This required me to keep in mind the request/requirement of the client and make sure that their needs were being met.
In the future, I would use similar techniques and strategies to create databases to meet other client requests. This would involve understanding their needs and requirements, designing a database schema that meets those needs, and implementing CRUD operations using Python or another programming language.
Computer scientists use their knowledge of computer systems and algorithms to solve complex problems in a variety of fields such as finance, healthcare, and entertainment. They design and develop software applications, create new algorithms for data analysis, and work on cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
In the case of Grazioso Salvare, my work on this type of project would help them to manage their data more efficiently and make better decisions based on that data. For example, they could use the dashboard that I created to get better understanding of the data by using it features such as filtering, sorting, charts and maps. They could also use the database that I created to analyze the animals available to them and help them make better informed decisions in their operations.
Overall, computer science is an important field because it allows us to solve complex problems more efficiently and effectively than ever before. By using technology to automate tasks and analyze data, we can make better decisions and improve our lives in countless ways.