3f3577d Prepare 0.8.0 release
ff4f766 Update to latest goreleaser
8a7b5b2 Fix chart's volume attachment
7acd089 Configurable git commands deadline
e6d97ac Rebase on client-go v12.0.0
51b8240 Update Travis e2e environment
b4390ef Travis CI shouldn't try to run glide anymore
ca3e1e2 Adopt go mod
654b8f4 Chart: fix namespacing
790e2fe Update Go and Alpine versions
bf18cbe Added GIT pull before commit, fix #2
49966fd Added GIT pull before commit, fix
a25bde4 Added GIT pull before commit
e96cbd9 Replace gometalinter by golangci-lint
6bfebe6 Perform a shallow clone in the git provider for faster startup