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yetongatech committed Jan 15, 2025
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,333 additions and 0 deletions.
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions gtsam/constrained/AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
* Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
* All Rights Reserved
* Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
* See LICENSE for the license information
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

* @file AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer.h
* @brief Augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear constrained optimization.
* @author Yetong Zhang
* @date Aug 3, 2024

#include <gtsam/constrained/AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer.h>
#include <gtsam/constrained/BiasedFactor.h>
#include <gtsam/slam/AntiFactor.h>

using std::setw, std::cout, std::endl, std::setprecision;

namespace gtsam {

/* ************************************************************************* */
void AugmentedLagrangianState::initializeLagrangeMultipliers(const ConstrainedOptProblem& problem) {
lambda_e = std::vector<Vector>();
for (const auto& constraint : problem.eConstraints()) {
lambda_i = std::vector<double>(problem.iConstraints().size(), 0);

/* ************************************************************************* */
std::tuple<AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::State, double, double>
AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::iterate(const State& state,
const double mu_e,
const double mu_i) const {
State new_state(state.iteration + 1);
new_state.mu_e = mu_e;
new_state.mu_i = mu_i;

// Update Lagrangian multipliers.
updateLagrangeMultiplier(state, new_state);

// Construct merit function.
NonlinearFactorGraph dual_graph = LagrangeDualFunction(new_state);

// Run unconstrained optimization.
auto optimizer = createUnconstrainedOptimizer(dual_graph, state.values);
new_state.setValues(optimizer->optimize(), *problem_);
new_state.unconstrained_iters = optimizer->iterations();

// Update penalty parameters for next iteration.
double next_mu_e, next_mu_i;
std::tie(next_mu_e, next_mu_i) = updatePenaltyParameter(state, new_state);

return {new_state, next_mu_e, next_mu_i};

/* ************************************************************************* */
Values AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::optimize() const {
/// Construct initial state
State prev_state;
State state(0, problem_->initialValues(), *problem_);

/// Set penalty parameters for the first iteration.
double mu_e = p_->initial_mu_e;
double mu_i = p_->initial_mu_i;

/// iterates
do {
prev_state = std::move(state);
std::tie(state, mu_e, mu_i) = iterate(prev_state, mu_e, mu_i);
} while (!checkConvergence(state, prev_state, *p_));

return state.values;

/* ************************************************************************* */
NonlinearFactorGraph AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::LagrangeDualFunction(
const State& state, const double epsilon) const {
// Initialize by adding in cost factors.
NonlinearFactorGraph graph = problem_->costs();

// Create factors corresponding to equality constraints.
const NonlinearEqualityConstraints& e_constraints = problem_->eConstraints();
const double& mu_e = state.mu_e;
for (size_t i = 0; i < e_constraints.size(); i++) {
const auto& constraint =;
Vector bias = state.lambda_e[i] / mu_e * constraint->sigmas();
auto penalty_l2 = constraint->penaltyFactor(mu_e);
graph.emplace_shared<BiasedFactor>(penalty_l2, bias);

// Create factors corresponding to penalty terms of inequality constraints.
const NonlinearInequalityConstraints& i_constraints = problem_->iConstraints();
const double& mu_i = state.mu_i;
graph.add(i_constraints.penaltyGraphCustom(p_->i_penalty_function, mu_i));

// Create factors corresponding to Lagrange multiplier terms of i-constraints.
for (size_t i = 0; i < i_constraints.size(); i++) {
const auto& constraint =;
Vector bias = state.lambda_i[i] / epsilon * constraint->sigmas();
auto penalty_l2 = constraint->penaltyFactorEquality(epsilon);
graph.emplace_shared<BiasedFactor>(penalty_l2, bias);

return graph;

/* ************************************************************************* */
void AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::updateLagrangeMultiplier(const State& prev_state,
State& state) const {
// Perform dual ascent on Lagrange multipliers for e-constriants.
const NonlinearEqualityConstraints& e_constraints = problem_->eConstraints();
for (size_t i = 0; i < e_constraints.size(); i++) {
const auto& constraint =;
// Compute constraint violation as the gradient of the dual function.
Vector violation = constraint->whitenedError(prev_state.values);
double step_size =
std::min(p_->max_dual_step_size_e, prev_state.mu_e * p_->dual_step_size_factor_e);
state.lambda_e[i] = prev_state.lambda_e[i] + step_size * violation;

// Perform dual ascent on Lagrange multipliers for i-constriants.
const NonlinearInequalityConstraints& i_constraints = problem_->iConstraints();
// Update Lagrangian multipliers.
for (size_t i = 0; i < i_constraints.size(); i++) {
const auto& constraint =;
double violation = constraint->whitenedExpr(prev_state.values)(0);
double step_size =
std::min(p_->max_dual_step_size_i, prev_state.mu_i * p_->dual_step_size_factor_i);
state.lambda_i[i] = std::max(0.0, prev_state.lambda_i[i] + step_size * violation);

/* ************************************************************************* */
std::pair<double, double> AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::updatePenaltyParameter(
const State& prev_state, const State& state) const {
double mu_e = state.mu_e;
if (problem_->eConstraints().size() > 0 &&
state.violation_e >= p_->mu_increase_threshold * prev_state.violation_e) {
mu_e *= p_->mu_e_increase_rate;

double mu_i = state.mu_i;
if (problem_->iConstraints().size() > 0 &&
state.violation_i >= p_->mu_increase_threshold * prev_state.violation_i) {
mu_i *= p_->mu_i_increase_rate;
return {mu_e, mu_i};

/* ************************************************************************* */
ConstrainedOptimizer::SharedOptimizer AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::createUnconstrainedOptimizer(
const NonlinearFactorGraph& graph, const Values& values) const {
// TODO(yetong): make compatible with all NonlinearOptimizers.
return std::make_shared<LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer>(graph, values, p_->lm_params);

/* ************************************************************************* */
void AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::LogInit(const State& state) const {
if (p_->verbose) {
// Log title line.
cout << setw(10) << "Iter"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "mu_e"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "mu_i"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "cost"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "vio_e"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "vio_i"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "uopt_iters"
<< "|" << setw(10) << "time"
<< "|" << endl;

// Log initial value line.
cout << setw(10) << state.iteration;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << "-";
cout << "|" << setw(10) << "-";
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.cost;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.violation_e;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.violation_i;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << "-";
cout << "|" << setw(10) << "-";
cout << "|" << endl;

// Store state
if (p_->store_opt_progress) {

/* ************************************************************************* */
void AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer::LogIter(const State& state) const {
if (p_->verbose) {
cout << setw(10) << state.iteration;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << state.mu_e;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << state.mu_i;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.cost;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.violation_e;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << state.violation_i;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << state.unconstrained_iters;
cout << "|" << setw(10) << state.time;
cout << "|" << endl;

// Store state
if (p_->store_opt_progress) {

} // namespace gtsam
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions gtsam/constrained/AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
* Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
* All Rights Reserved
* Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
* See LICENSE for the license information
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

* @file AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer.h
* @brief Augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear constrained optimization.
* @author Yetong Zhang
* @date Aug 3, 2024

#pragma once

#include <gtsam/constrained/ConstrainedOptimizer.h>
#include <gtsam/constrained/PenaltyOptimizer.h>

namespace gtsam {

/// Parameters for Augmented Lagrangian method
class AugmentedLagrangianParams : public PenaltyOptimizerParams {
typedef PenaltyOptimizerParams Base;
typedef AugmentedLagrangianParams This;
typedef std::shared_ptr<AugmentedLagrangianParams> shared_ptr;

double max_dual_step_size_e = 10; // maximum step size for dual ascent
double max_dual_step_size_i = 10; // maximum step size for dual ascent
double dual_step_size_factor_e = 1.0;
double dual_step_size_factor_i = 1.0;
double mu_increase_threshold = 0.25;

using Base::Base;

/// Details for each iteration.
class AugmentedLagrangianState : public PenaltyOptimizerState {
typedef PenaltyOptimizerState Base;
typedef AugmentedLagrangianState This;
typedef std::shared_ptr<This> shared_ptr;

std::vector<Vector> lambda_e; // Lagrange multipliers for e
std::vector<double> lambda_i; // Lagrange multipliers for i

/** Initialize Lagrange multipliers as zeros. */
void initializeLagrangeMultipliers(const ConstrainedOptProblem& problem);

using Base::Base;

/** Augmented Lagrangian method to solve constrained nonlinear least squares problems. The
* implementation follows for problems
* with equality constraints only. We further generalize the implementation to incorporate
* inequality constraints with reference to
class AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer : public ConstrainedOptimizer {
typedef ConstrainedOptimizer Base;
typedef PenaltyOptimizer This;
typedef std::shared_ptr<This> shared_ptr;

typedef AugmentedLagrangianParams Params;
typedef AugmentedLagrangianState State;
typedef std::vector<AugmentedLagrangianState> Progress;

Params::shared_ptr p_;
mutable Progress progress_;

/// Constructor from parameters.
AugmentedLagrangianOptimizer(ConstrainedOptProblem::shared_ptr problem,
Params::shared_ptr p = std::make_shared<Params>())
: Base(problem), p_(p), progress_() {}

/// Run optimization with equality constraints only.
Values optimize() const override;

std::tuple<State, double, double> iterate(const State& state,
const double mu_e,
const double mu_i) const;

/// Return progress of iterations.
const Progress& progress() const { return progress_; }

* Lagrange dual function for equality constraints and inequality constraints
* m(x) = 0.5 * ||f(x)||^2 - lambda_e * h(x) + 0.5 * mu_e * ||h(x)||^2
* - lambda_i * g(x) + 0.5 * mu_i * ||g(x)_-||^2
* To express in nonlinear least squares form, it is rewritten as
* m(x) + 0.5d * ||g(x)||^2
* = 0.5 * ||f(x)||^2 - lambda_e * h(x) + 0.5 * mu_e * ||h(x)||^2
* + 0.5d * ||g(x)||^2 - lambda_i * g(x) + 0.5 * mu_i * ||g(x)_-||^2
* = 0.5 * ||f(x)||^2
* + 0.5mu_e * ||h(x)- lambda_e/mu_e||^2
* + 0.5d * ||g(x)-lambda_i/mu_i||^2
* + 0.5mu_i * ||g(x)_-||^2
* - c
* where
* c = ||lambda_e||^2 / (2 * mu_e) + ||lambda_i||^2 / (2 * d)
* is a constant term.
* Notice: a term (0.5 d * ||g(x)||^2) is added to incorporate Lagrange
* multiplier terms in the nonlinear least squares form, with d very small.
* @return: factor graph representing m(x) + 0.5d * ||g(x)||^2 + c
NonlinearFactorGraph LagrangeDualFunction(const State& state, const double epsilon = 1.0) const;

SharedOptimizer createUnconstrainedOptimizer(const NonlinearFactorGraph& graph,
const Values& values) const;

/** Update the Lagrange multipliers using dual ascent. */
void updateLagrangeMultiplier(const State& prev_state, State& state) const;

/// Set the penalty parameters for the state using results from prev state.
std::pair<double, double> updatePenaltyParameter(const State& prev_state,
const State& state) const;

void LogInit(const State& state) const;

void LogIter(const State& state) const;

} // namespace gtsam

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