A module with different tools around creating staff calendars for a specified year, either from a list of users with the same work hours or from a CSV file.
Quickly create quick Excel file.
New-StaffCalendar -year 1997 -users "Jack O", "Sam C", "Daniel J"
The StaffCalendar PowerShell Module is published to the PowerShell Gallery. You can install it into your user profile by running the following command.
Install-Module -Name StaffCalendar
If you want to run this module from source it can found at GitHub. The can be built with the ModuleBuilder module and then running the following command.
This will package all code into files located in .\Output\StaffCalendar. That folder is now ready to be installed, copy to any path listed in you PSModulePath environment variable and you are good to go!
- All building files must in Source folders:
- In the root, place the module manifest
- In Public, place functions accessible by users
- In Private, place functions that inaccessible by users, e.g. helper functions
- Place one function per file, and file name must match the name of the function
- In the root, place the module manifest
- In the root of the repository we have:
- Start-ModuleBuild.ps1, builds the module with files from Source folder and puts them into Output folder