A general-purpose project scaffolding library and tool inspired by cookiecutter
Scaffolder evaluates the scaffolding files at the given desScaffolder evaluates a template of directories and files into a destination using JSON context using the following rules:
- Templates are evaluated using the Go template engine.
- Both path names and file contents are evaluated.
- If a file name ends with ".tmpl", the ".tmpl" suffix will be removed.
- If a file or directory name evalutes to the empty string it will be excluded.
- If a file named "template.js" exists in the root of the template directory, all functions defined in this file will be available as Go template functions.
- Directory and file names in templates can be expanded multiple times using the "push" function. This function takes two arguments, the file/directory name and the context to use when evaluating templates within the file/directory.
- The following functions are available as Go template functions: "snake", "screamingSnake", "camel", "lowerCamel", "kebab", "screamingKebab", "upper", "lower", "title",
For example, given the following files and directories as the template:
{{ range .modules }}{{ push .name . }}{{ end }}/
And the context "context.json":
"modules": [
{"name": "module1", "path": "path1"},
{"name": "module2", "path": "path2"}
Running scaffolder with:
scaffolder --json context.json --template template --dest dest
The output "dest" directory will contain the following files and directories: