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AI Migration Tool

This tool runs code migrations at scale. It is designed to be run in two phases:


  • Initialize a new project
  • Add example pairs showing migration patterns
  • Generate a system prompt for the migration task
  • Create a verification script


  • Run the migration script: ai-migrate migrate --project my-new-project
  • Check the status of the migration
  • Check out a branch for manual fixes
  • Merge all successful migrations



  1. Clone this repository:
gh repo clone block/ai_migrate
cd ai_migrate
  1. Set up the development environment using Hermit:
hermit init
uv sync

This will:

  • Initialize the Hermit environment with Python and required tools
  • Install all necessary Python packages
  1. Create your project:
# Basic project initialization
uv run ai-migrate init

# Or initialize from a PR (recommended)
uv run ai-migrate init <project_dir> --pr=<pr_number> --description="Brief description of migration"
  1. Fill in the blanks. The above command generated some files you should edit:
    • <project dir>/ Modify this to suit your migration details.
    • examples/: Add pairs of example files showing migration patterns. Use uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage examples to manage examples, including generating from git history or from a PR.

Setting Up Examples

Add example pairs to your project's examples/ directory.

Example structure:

├── examples/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──


# Interactive CLI
uv run ai-migrate migrate

The interactive CLI provides a guided experience with:

  • Interactive prompts for file paths and options
  • Rich terminal output with colors and formatting
  • Progress indicators during long-running operations
  • Dialog-based selection for various options

Key Commands

# Initialize a new project
uv run ai-migrate init

# Migrate files
uv run ai-migrate migrate [FILE_PATHS]

# Check migration status
uv run ai-migrate status

# Check out a branch for manual fixes
uv run ai-migrate checkout FILE_PATH

# Merge all successful migrations
uv run ai-migrate merge-branches

# Get help for a specific command
uv run ai-migrate migrate --help

Project Selection

The interactive CLI now provides an easy way to select which migration project to use:

  1. Automatic Project Selection: When you run a command without specifying a project directory, the CLI will:

    • First check the AI_MIGRATE_PROJECT_DIR environment variable
    • Then look for a .ai-migrate file in the current directory
    • If neither is found, show a selection dialog with available projects
  2. Project Selection Dialog:

    • Shows all projects in the projects/ directory
    • Allows you to select the appropriate project for your migration task
    • Remembers your selection for the current command
  3. Manual Project Specification:

    • Use --project-dir option to specify a project directly, or use --project to specify a pre-configured project
    • Set the AI_MIGRATE_PROJECT_DIR environment variable for persistent selection
    • Create a .ai-migrate file in your repository for project-specific settings

This makes it easy to work with multiple migration projects without having to remember and type their paths each time.

This will look as input for the specified file and load it if it exists as that or in the form of a .old. file. The script will write the output to the same file and move the previous version to a .old. file if not .old. previously existed. This way you can keep trying migrations having to move files around.

Command Comparison: Main Branch vs New CLI

Here's how commands from the main branch map to the new interactive CLI:

Main Branch Command New Interactive CLI Command Description
uv run ai-migrate projects init <path> uv run ai-migrate init Initialize a new project
uv run ai-migrate examples setup <ref> uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage examples then select "setup" Set up examples from git history
uv run ai-migrate examples add <file> uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage examples then select "add" Add a file as an example
uv run ai-migrate --files <file> uv run ai-migrate migrate <file> Migrate a specific file
uv run ai-migrate projects status uv run ai-migrate status Show migration status
uv run ai-migrate projects run --manifest-file=<file> uv run ai-migrate migrate --manifest-file=<file> Run migration using a manifest file
uv run ai-migrate projects run --rerun-passed uv run ai-migrate migrate --rerun-passed Re-run migrations that have already passed
uv run ai-migrate projects run --max-workers=<num> uv run ai-migrate migrate --max-workers=<num> Set maximum number of parallel workers
uv run ai-migrate projects run --local-worktrees uv run ai-migrate migrate --local-worktrees Create worktrees alongside the git repo
uv run ai-migrate projects checkout <file> uv run ai-migrate checkout <file> Check out the branch for a failed migration
uv run ai-migrate projects merge-branches uv run ai-migrate merge-branches Merge changes from migrator branches

New Features in Interactive CLI

The new CLI adds these capabilities not present in the main branch:

  1. PR-Based Initialization:

    uv run ai-migrate init
    # Then follow interactive prompts for PR-based setup
  2. Example Management UI:

    uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage examples
    # Interactive dialog for listing, adding, or generating examples
  3. System Prompt Management:

    uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage system-prompt
    # Interactive dialog for viewing, editing, or generating system prompts
  4. Rich Help System:

    uv run ai-migrate --help
    uv run ai-migrate <command> --help


The project uses Hermit to manage Python versions and development tools. Available tools:

  • Python 3.12
  • Black (code formatting)
  • Ruff (linting)
  • MyPy (type checking)
  • Pytest (testing)

To activate the Hermit environment in your shell:

eval "$(./bin/hermit env)"


Additional documentation is available in the docs/ directory:

AI-Powered Project Setup

The tool now supports AI-powered project setup using GitHub PRs:

  1. PR-Based Project Initialization:

    # Using the interactive CLI
    uv run ai-migrate init
    # Then follow the prompts

    This will:

    • Generate a system prompt based on the PR description and changes
    • Extract example patterns from the PR changes
  2. Generate Examples from PR:

    # Using the interactive CLI
    uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage examples
    # Then select "from-pr" and follow the prompts

    This will analyze the PR changes and extract representative examples of the migration pattern.

  3. Manage System Prompt:

    # Using the interactive CLI
    uv run ai-migrate migrate --manage system-prompt
    # Then select an action (view, edit, or generate) and follow the prompts

    This allows you to view, edit, or generate a new system prompt for your migration project.

Interactive CLI

The new interactive CLI provides a more user-friendly experience with:

  1. Rich Terminal UI:

    • Colorized output for better readability
    • Progress bars and spinners for long-running operations
    • Formatted panels and tables for displaying information
  2. Interactive Prompts:

    • File path completion for easier navigation
    • Selection dialogs for choosing options
    • Yes/no confirmations for important decisions
  3. Guided Workflows:

    • Step-by-step guidance through complex operations
    • Clear error messages and recovery options
    • Contextual help and suggestions
  4. Available Commands:

    • init - Initialize a new migration project
    • migrate - Migrate one or more files or manage project resources
      • Use --manage examples to manage example files
      • Use --manage system-prompt to view or edit the system prompt
      • Use --manifest-file to specify a manifest file for batch processing
      • Use --rerun-passed to re-run migrations that have already passed
      • Use --max-workers to set the maximum number of parallel workers
      • Use --local-worktrees to create worktrees alongside the git repo
    • status - Show the status of migration projects
      • See which files are passing, failing, or have not been processed
    • checkout - Check out the branch for a failed migration attempt
      • Allows you to manually fix a migration that failed
    • merge-branches - Merge changes from migrator branches
      • Consolidate all successful migrations

To use the interactive CLI, simply run:

uv run ai-migrate

For specific commands:

# Initialize a new project
uv run ai-migrate init

# Migrate files
uv run ai-migrate migrate [FILE_PATHS]

# Check migration status
uv run ai-migrate status

# Check out a branch for manual fixes
uv run ai-migrate checkout FILE_PATH

# Merge all successful migrations
uv run ai-migrate merge-branches

# Get help for a specific command
uv run ai-migrate migrate --help