A Open Source Browser Based Pandacoin and many other Cryptocurrency Wallet and multifunction tool. Pandacoin Coinbin is a friendly yet powerful and secure multicoin non custodial wallet, where only you control your private keys. Version 2.0.10 is currently in test and development.
Note: Pandacoin Coinbin is a powerful transaction tool as well as a wallet and is currently for advanced users, use with caution. This project is in development, we suggest getting familiar with it using smaller amounts first for now.
Compatible with Pandacoin as well as most other Blockchains, we now have an easy custom coin configuration option in Settings.
Coinbin is an open source web based wallet and tool written in javascript and released under the MIT license which means it's free to use and edit.
Available Online here: https://cryptodepot.org/coinbin/#home
Secure design, only you keep your keys, the site does not collect and store IP or transaction data via our servers nor do we receive or store your coins private key.
Coinb.in supports a number of key features such as:
- Offline Compressed & uncompressed Address creation.
- Offline Multisignature Address creation.
- "In browser" Key (re)generation.
- Send and receive payments.
- Ability to decode transactions, redeem scripts and more offline.
- Build custom transactions offline.
- Sign transactions offline.
- Signatures are deterministic as per RFC 6979 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979#section-3.2)
- Broadcast transactions.
- nLockTime support.
- Add custom data to transactions with the use of OP_RETURN.
- Support current Dark Wallet Stealth Address structure (as of version Alpha 7) for outputs.
- Brain wallet support.
- Compatible with Pandacoin-qt, Pandacoin Electrum as well as Pandawallet and many others
- Offline qrcode creator and scanning tool
- HD (bip32) support
- Supports many altcoins such as litecoin, dogecoin...
- Replace by fee (RBF) Support
- Segwit Support
- Bech32 address support
- Fee calculator - https://coinb.in/#fees
Donate Pandacoin to PWEuZH8VWWnYKjwiuL7iRYCDggJjiVqLRa to see more development!